Saturday, December 5, 2009

HW #28 - Informal Research

"Cool (aesthetic)." Wikipedia. 12/04/2009. Web. 5 Dec 2009. .
This article explain how "cool" is defined; how there are many concepts of cool but it always changes over time, and can be different among cultures and generations. The article also talks how it is viewed differently if it is by appearance or by "behavioral characteristic" or etc. It gives examples from different cultures, showing what is cool in that region of the world such as in the Europe, Art and aristocratic are consider cool. However, it does not tell how the people are cool, but what kind of poses from the different cultures give are cool. At the end, there's a category of "theories of cool" where it explain how cool is used in social, "elusive essence" and "marketing device" plus written books that speak about cool.

It's interesting how different cultures and generations see different things that are cool but what are the comparisons, why do they differ/why change to something different? People like changes but I think it is always improved from the old "cool" ones or non cool that became cool after a few fix up. Like what the article said, there are many types/concepts of coolness that everybody has but it seem they are always in the center of attention. It doesn't have to be people that are cool but the things people do are the ones that gets the attention. Once the "thing" gets attention, wouldn't the people who have started it would not get as much attention since other people are going to do that?

Kroker, Arthur and Marilouise. "What is Cool? Notes on Intellectualism, Popular Culture, and Writing." 10/05/2002. Web. 5 Dec 2009.
This article has three sections that talks about the definitions of cool, which are that cool does not have many "cool" to spread around; it is only for a few people or morphed into objects but many other people want it. It also talk about what kind of thing/people are cool in our culture (but he also adds his own opinions). As for the cool for writing and intellectualism, it is different than the popular culture because cool has become a language and what's cool? can spread around the world easier with the technology's access.

Words, and images are used to distribute what's cool and what's not. Many people use the language of cool to live by their lives and in the article, it said we can find cool in every corner, depending on the price but it is addictive. Similar to our own language, we use it because it is the only way to communicate verbally to others. Not that its addicting or not, but once we start getting use to speaking a word, we tend to fall with it as over time, it changes, we change. Cool never stays the same, like how fashion coolness changes and so we have to adapt to the new "cool" to still become the cool people. It's whether if our intellectual follow can follow "cool" or not.

DJD, . "How to Look Cool on the Internet." Writing.Com. 16/06/2009. Web. 6 Dec 2009.

DJD, the person who write this gives a guide on how to become cool on the internet. He gives ten steps in what to do to show yourself off in the internet. Since internet has been largely use in our lives, it is one of the best way to become cool using the net. And like the life of cool, internet evolves too, giving more things and methods for us to get the "coolness". On the internet, a sophisticated look is better to become cool.

As I was reading it, the steps keep saying to join things such as communities and groups to get connections and to show sophistication. I think the guide to become someone new contradicts what my class was saying, to become true to ourselves. This guide shows the mix of popularity and cool by using the internet but to use the internet, we have to stay at home, which I think it is only secluding ourselves to become popular with people we won't meet physically. We can make ourselves into whatever we want but if we do that, it is only withdrawing ourselves from what we really are. It is important to show who we are but it is also important to conform like the cool people to become cool/popular. It seems either easy or hard to become a cool person if we have to sacrifice/leave something behind but also, whether we would regret it or not.

Other sources that I see cool are in t.v. shows. Having money, a car and a good job can lead people to get what they want but somehow, something is always lacking when these kind of characters appear in the show. Other cool characters such as in manga are cool looking, have friends and popularity but those cool characters try to find something else that is different from what they see in their everyday lives. They find something totally different from their lives because they think the "cool" life they are living is getting boring.
Like in the street interview, the second stranger said people want to become cool because something is missing in their heart, and by fulfilling the whole, their lives can be completed. But how do we know being "cool" is what can fill the whole? How do we figure that out?

In books, the characters are told to become who they really are or they tell the others to become who they really are. It gives a different feeling and plot than the normal coolness we seen. To be who you think you are is what's important, which adds to the coolness that people view you in. There are other concepts of coolness that everybody abides in and not everybody has to like it. People follow others to be like others but do they really want to be a duplicate of that person or are they just admiring them in a sense they still have something true to themselves?

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