Monday, February 8, 2010

HW #39 First School Assignment

Part A:
- Some people come to school but they don't do work.
- People come to school because there are friends there.
- Even though it is called a community, we're not all united because there are cliques and groups

- How different teachers can affect the students.
- Many students forget what they learned after a while.
- There are many school graduates that are not able to answer.

Powerful Questions:
- What percentage of students actually want to learn by going to school?
- How does our point of view of the school affect our performances at school?
- How does the violence in the school affects the students performances, the school's reputation and the levels of education?

- Be careful of whom you trust or interact with because those people will affect your life.
- School is a small city, where there is a society, and a government/hierarchy group.
- School is trying to shape us into different society dolls.

- Getting to meet a lot of friends and learning from each other, such as cultures and building connections.
- Learning many things that might be helpful for my future, but are being helpful now, such as learning English and being the translator for my family.
- I can think what I am doing is hard, but it will be harder in the future if I don't get this done (is what I tell myself).

Part B:
A moment in school that I want to talk about is lunch time. I think its great that we have lunch time period that last longer than other schools. Additionally, since I eat in the cafetaria, and here are not many people there, my friends and I, and most of the people there are seniors get to have the whole cafetaria by ourselves. Unlike other high school food where my friends said that their school's food is not that great, I considered myself lucky that I get free lunch and the lunch that they provided are good. I think that lunch time is a good period for students to mingle, besides the hallway short time mingling, but during lunch time it is like a place to relax. Unless food fights happened which is the bad part, or when there are no food that I like to eat. I can be with my friends and chat with them more louder and there are more things to say. Sometimes I saw people who was not here during morning classes come at lunch time and I thought it was strange of them to do that. I always wonder why, unless they have some assignments that were going to be due, why not just come in the morning?

I don't really know how I want to explore lunch time but I think it is the only period where we don't have to do work. We can, but we don't have to. Its part of the freedom and with the leftover time, I can chat more or play games with my friends. However, I can see that when we eat, we tend to stay there at that spot everyday. Other groups sit somewhere else and I always see the same group sitting at that same spot everyday. It makes me feel mechanical as I know where I am going to sit, so I would move easily there without needing to remind myself which way to go. I find that school makes us more mechanical as we go to the same schedule and same routine to go to that class. Though the schedule might change, mostly everything else stays the same.

I find that most of the people in the cafetaria are seniors are better than having little kids there. That is because when I go eat breakfast there, there is a security guard there to hover over the kids to warn them to behave. I think it is annoying if there are too many people in a place eating around you and if they make a mess, it ruins the appetite. Lunch time is the only place for students to really eat their food or be allowed to because there are the kind people who cleaned up that location after we eat. Sometimes I feel bad if I leave a mess but sometimes if the mess is bigger, it's hard to want to clean that mess. I think after having lunch, it makes people feel lazy but also more re-energized.

I find it strange how as we are starting high school, we tend to flow away from the cafetaria and go outside to buy food. It seems like a transition from a child to an adult. We use money to buy lunch even though it might not be money we earned ourselves. I don't think many people in our school have tried the school lunch and goes outside to buy the food. I think its our imagination on our we think of school lunch that led us to believe it is better to go outside to buy lunch. Then some people have free lunch and even if the others don't, they just need to pay less than if they go outside to eat. I find that strange how not many people like to eat school lunch and I want to ask them why, but not the answer: The lunch food is bad.

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