Friday, April 9, 2010

HW #48 Treatment for Savior/Teacher Movie


Mint Stellar is a serious teacher who teaches a serious history class. But outside the classroom, she is a friendly teacher who gets along well with all the students. She tries to help students who are in trouble and save students who are in danger of being beaten up. Those who got beaten up was able to stand up by themselves when they face the bullies again due to Stellar's encouragement and some defense skills. However, there is one students who is constantly bullied, who Stellar constantly go to save him, but Stellar was not able to help him.

Noah Nix is that one student that Stellar is having a hard time dealing with. Almost everyday, Noah gets called out to get beaten by the other boys and almost every time, Stellar comes to rescue him. Stellar don't mind rescuing him but she has been trying to find a way to help Noah. Stellar thinks that Noah is just a easy kid to be bully by but if Noah can "stand up on his own", and stand up to the bullies, then at least, he would earn some confidence. Stellar have been trying to find a way but hasn't found any that works on Noah. So she start to observe Noah...

She finds that Noah always eat lunch by himself and is always gloomy. But when Stellar talks to him, it's different because his whole personality changes, he's more bright than gloomy. Stellar thinks he's a good kid and he's always nice and helps Stellar out with her work, even though he is bony and has scars and bruises around him. Stellar thinks that if Noah has friends, then he wouldn't be such a bright target and the friends can protect him. So Stellar told the plan to Noah but Noah refuses, thinking it's impossible even though deep down he wants friends.


Stellar begins to help Noah in building his social skills, or to at least help him in saying something but Noah still gets shaken up or becomes embarrass in front of others, making Noah's confidence to lessen. Stellar knows that he is trying hard and tells him not to give up like any teacher would say. But because she is a serious teacher, she tells him that he shouldn't worry about so much and just straightforwardly tell the person he wants to be friends with, that he wants to be friends. Simple as that. Noah thinks it is not that simple. He thinks he has no talent or a way to attract people but Stellar told him that that is not friends are for. Even if the attracting is correct, friends attract each other because they "click". That's what Stellar thinks friends meet.


Noah knows he has bad luck, that's why he gets bullied. On the way back to home, he accidentally dropped his books and the bullies was there waiting for him. Noah got scared because Stellar has already went home so that left him to getting beat up by the bullies.
Then someone comes in the scene and rescued Noah. His hero was a girl, her name is Lana. After the rescue, Lana starts to yell at Noah for his incompetence and how weak he is. But after a while, Lana becomes friends with Noah and she helps him get the bullies away. Stellar was happy that Noah has made a friend though it seems that Noah himself still don't believe. He's happy but he's confuse as to why Lana would be friends with him. Lana has been very nice and helpful to Noah and Stellar told Noah that Lana is a nice girl. He should be happy about it.


Lana introduces her friends to Noah and all of them got along well. Stellar likes how it is going with Noah and Noah's "gloominess" is disappearing slowly. The process is going well is what Stellar thinks. Noah is still a bit uncomfortable around people like Lana but since Stellar has been helping him so much, he has been trying to communicate more with Lana and her friends each day. He's doing well, he guess but he is trying to make his own friends, by himself.

The next morning... Saturday.

Noah was on his way to rent a DVD when he saw a boy, about his age, crouching in front of his bike. Noah wants to help him and then makes himself go out to help him. As he walks to him, he takes in what Stellar had told him, to be confident and speak out. The boy and Noah starts talking for a while and Noah helps him to bring his bike to a shop. The boy introduce himself as Mike and the both of them got along well. And in the end, Noah got his first male friend and he finds that the both of them go to the same cram school. Stellar was proud of him when she saw him and Lana and her friends was proud of Noah too.

All ends happy~

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