Friday, April 30, 2010

HW #52 Initial Theories of Human Relationships

To me, relationships are similar to links, chains and threads and which the three of them will never break even if the feelings in the relationship has ended or cut off. Because links, chains and threads are bonding materials between two person and even though those materials are fragile, in relationship terms, I think they are like immortals that would never die even if the bonds are forgotten. Relationship between two person is like trying to reveal to each other their existences and if that relationship creates a deeper one, then they are trying to reveal to each other their selves, their selves that is truer than when they just met.

I think humans are dummies (sorry to be rude and I admit I am one too as I am living in this world) but as to why all these complicated relationships have built to this stage of confusion is because, I think, we are living to yearn for something and as for that something, I am trying to figure that out too and what it is that I, myself, am yearning for. It might be a huge amount of things but it might be only a few. There are many things in life that we cannot choose such as choosing our gender, where we are born, why we are not born and what kind of family to be in. And I think for those things that we cannot choose, we create relationships with other people to find what we lack and want. However, with the huge amount of feelings we have and actions that we take that results in negative results like lying, jealousy, destruction, sadness, complications occurs, that creates strands of complicated relationships in this world and that only bothers us, backfiring back at us. Doesn't that look like shooting a ball in the wall and hits you back in the face?

I think we are born to do something or maybe we are not, who seriously would know that? Because if someone does know, that someone's species is not the human species. So if there is something that we need to do, a path that we have constructed ourselves, we would tend to follow it. If we get lost, we either give up or like the word "fate", someone would come to us and help us stand up on our feet. I think that is one of the yearning feelings that we have and which we need before more complicated relationships are created, which already did for many people. I think everybody needs to have complicated relationships to grow, but to grow in what ways, I'm not sure. It is also part of our motivation in what we want to search and aim for. I have grown in some ways now, with having all these friendship relationships, family relationships, stranger relationships and etc, that made me questions about what is our living for? Why am I here and for what reason? I am learning this unit to what extent can I gather the answers for these questions. What is the point of having these questions? Now you see, how these questions are created and how throughout the history, all these random, or insightful questions are created? I find that a lot of the times, when we don't have things to do, we find things to do or things to think about. And complicated relationships are one of those things.

Trust and truth are the two purest feeling and being that I believe is the cause of human relationships. I say they are the purest is because they involve in having the existence of a person to be revealed entirely to another person, where the chains of the links or threads would be tight, strong, pure or shiny-looking and a never-ending cycle between the two person. But if both are not given or balanced, well, I guess the relationship cannot be completely complete. If trust is not build correctly or the relationship becomes unstable such as if A person lies to B person and B person got mad, the relationship would not go that well. But that is only one scenario but other scenario can be that A person sincerely apologizes to B person, and if B person is willing to accept A person's apology, then their relationship are back together. However, for me, I think the relationship can either get deeper through a difficult situation but if it was from a fight between the two person, I would begin losing trust in them and backing away from telling the other person the truth. Things such as what I want to reveal to them, or what they want to know, I would stop that too, which is ridiculous. Because we say we want to create relationships is because we want to be safe and to be around the warmths of others.

But then parents, teachers, and adults would tell the little ones to be careful of strangers because they might eat you. One side tells you, or your inner self tells you when you are young that you want to be near others but then as you grow up, the trust lessen because you heard from other people that it is better to not trust others until you seen or believe if you can trust them. It is one way to grow up, getting influenced by others but it is another way to close your connection around you. Depending on the situation of what kind of family we have and how we are treated and our environment, opinions and answers are viewed and answered differently. I don't blame anyone for having the situations they are in or how they grew up but with their complicated relationships and I, having a connection with them, adds more relationships in their cases and my case. I think that is why people tell others to mind their own business such as in families so to not get themselves in a more complex web of links. However, I wonder if there is a 100% of trust and truth in a relationship but with the word, "complicated", I don't really think so. But is there? Wouldn't it be nice if there is? I guess thats why people called that almost all of the relationships are fragile?
Psychology, sociology, philosophy and politics, the four connect with one another when thinking about human relationships but I think that is how all these still unanswered questions come from and complicated relationships form. I kind of blame us for this but glad for it because with seeing people each day, its like a subconscious handbook since we know some from each of the four categories to help us understand, or try to understand others. I guess we may never understand each other well if we just go buy the science facts and what people found through experiments because that is, this might sound sad but betraying in a way, to figure out people through using instruments rather than talking, without any recording device or machines, to understand others. But in another way, if we don't do all these tests, I don't think we feel safe enough, to actually have something to proof to us that that is how we are.

Politics, its all about the "leader", "power" and "control" words. We pick a leader because we feel safe and feel that he is going to be a good father that protects all the underlings. I think that is how the structure of the world, the countries and tinier places are build, that there needs to be a leader or IF we can all trust each other, all of the people can be leaders (?). Power and control are two desires that we want but once we have some, we always want more. But to have those, we need other people under us to complete the structure. To have power and control are what leaders need but the word "rely" appears when I think about it. Those under the leaders rely on the leaders but those who are leaders rely on those who are under them. If not, why have leaders? Both relationships connect to one another and both rely on each other to get the outcome. But I wonder why we want and need these desires and needs? I ask not in a way that the answer is that we want peace and safety, we want to have people besides us, in our side but the extent to why we got to have these feelings, desires and needs? If God does exist, like really appearing in front of us, and God and other gods gave us these things, why are they giving us these things that can be named, such as the seven deadly sins (greed, lust, wrath, envy, gluttony, sloth, and pride)? Are they playing a game involving humans? Maybe I'm thinking too much but aren't we all thinking too much?

Communication comes from language, and English comes from words, letters that we made up to suit our own purposes. Even though it is to communicate with each other, to tell each other about things such as secrets, to express the truth, we are told to be aware of what words we use when speaking to others. I think words such as respect, polite, and the way we speak the words have an effect in how we present ourselves. If we are "rude", either people would not bother to come near us or we might get beaten up. But if we are strong, we can protect ourselves but that does not mean we can get others to come near us, to have the relationships such as friends and which then, we become the outcasts (and I think that is still a relationship, thought a sad one). There are so many scenarios, situations, problems that can occur with just language that we have to make rules up on how to treat others that I find it silly. True, I think if we speak politely or nicely, we might get what we want but it only affects those who are similar to us, an equal exchange of information.

Human are selfish and in a way that if we say something, we might not mean it or that we don't do what we say. I want respect from others and I will show it to show who show me respects. If they treat me how, I'll treat them back the same is something, or ethic that I follow. If I have people who is close to me, I rather say the truth in a confusing way than not say the truth. If I have to lie, I'll lie and if they found out, and don't like it, they can leave me. I find that links, threads of relationships are important to how we construct our lives but in a non-predictable way. I'll be sad if I lose them even though they are there, just in invisible mode and relationships are indeed fragile because it is harder to fix it up than create one.

I have many questions but in the form of feelings right now so I am not that sure as to what I want to ask so I will leave it here for now...

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