Monday, May 3, 2010

HW #53 Survey Analysis

Part 1

Took the survey....

Part 2

I felt awkward taking the survey as it involves my personal life and even though I do not have to put the actual answer, it made me realize things about the world and relationships and I tried to put the answer as much s possible. I thought the survey has given a lot of views about different categories of relationship but I find that the questions are personal in a way that people might know the answer but might not know the answer. There are questions put in the survey that involves a bigger topic yet complete answers are not available to answer fully as to why these relationships occur and thus the questions are created in the survey. But I wonder if we can achieve to the understanding of those questions and relationships.

Questions that made me stop and think was the friendship and parent categories because out of the categories in the survey, those two are the biggest relationships in my life right now. There were some questions that I know the answer to but when I want to answer it in the survey, I wasn't sure what to pick because some answers were in the middle between the choices. There were some questions that was common with each other but phrased differently but even though it is phrased differently, I still had to think about it before answering or how awkwardly I felt in thinking about the questions. Some questions I felt it was useless because I would not do it or in my life but then I thought how it is important in other people's lives as it affects them more than it would to me. The short answer questions was hard to answer because it involves more answering and it was general, big topic questions that made me think about in how to phrase them. Overall, the survey was interesting and I thought differently about the relationships in my life and how it affected me in ways I did and did not think about.

Part 3

I am surprised that there are answer for all the choices and I thought that was nice, thinking that everybody is answering honestly (hoping they are honest but in a way, intruding in other people's privacies). One thing that I noticed was that the most "not applicable" answers were in the partnering - romance - sexuality category and the sex questions were quite surprising because even though we took health class, not many use protections. Another interesting pattern that I noticed is that with questions that involve trust, value and acceptance in family, it mostly yes answer choices but with questions that involve cut off family members, its always near the no answer choices. In the friendship categories, none of the popular answers were in the no answer choices but always within the yes-very much to neutral.

I think I feel similar to many people in the friendship categories with the popular answers but as for the other categories, it is different because if I think about it deeply, it is always near the middle or to the no (mostly towards family and self, politics, etc.), not as optimistic as the popular answers said. I believe the other differences are from the way we live, the environment we are raised in, how we are treated and how we think about the views would be different. There are some urges that we have that made us act the way and thus we chose that answer choice but the relationships that we have can oppressed or free us in a way that we either lose or gain urges so the outcome of the whole survey becomes like what we have. Everybody's minds are different in a way but when looking at it generally, there is always a category that we can be in that makes everybody look like they have one view. I say look like because it is not always the answer choice that we chose in the survey but it was the best answer that we can find to answer that question. I think in relationships, it is hard to explain something is what I found out because I can feel one way about this question but feel another way. I may have a complete answer for this question but I find that it can be the other answer depending on how I stand in my view. So it is confusing and we can not really say a 100% of what we feel in these relationships. I guess feelings do not always equal to words.

Part 4

I should say that I like the survey that we did better because it is easier to see what people answered in a table/chart way and to see how many people have taken the survey. In the professional surveys, they have percentages for their surveys too but cannot really tell how many people have taken it but since they are professional surveys, and perhaps more accurate, it is more easily use to show the larger population of what the survey is asking about. There are more explanations on the professional one, especially the 2007 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey Overview because it explains all the percentages of what the answers are, and it provides bar graphs to show about the genders. I thought it was interesting but at the same time, there was a lot of information going on that my head was spinning with the results of the survey. Although the other one was easier because it had less information but is not as detailed as the 2007 one.

I think surveys are useful to tell the relationships and connections between what people think about in the form of different answer choices but it just says that it is a very complicated thinking and even one issue is already a complicated webbing of different questions and then another webbing of complicated answers. I think surveys are there to make the answers easier even though there can be other answers. But I always have the question as to whether the results are accurate or not because not everyone can be honest about answers, maybe a bit more comfortable in a survey as it is anonymous but still, a relationship with a survey is not that close. Another question that I have is whether we are more close to anonymous relationships or closer relationships/revealing relationships? Does it depend on how good the link/connection between the two people are or how much one can accept the other (because even if the connection is good does not mean they might accept each other)?

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