Wednesday, September 16, 2009

HW #4 & #5~ Triangular Comments 1 and Commenting Back


I think it is great how you are start with “their eyes glued to screens”. Your tone when you write your blog was very curious or a lot of energy talking about who can stand to face not using electronic. Your ideas of the usage of electronics comparing with the olden times were very interesting.

Your ideas toward, like I have said before, on taking up the risk of trying to not use electronic for a period and how the usage of electronic is non stop and always on because we need it even though we don’t need it as much as we use it.

I can see how being in front of the computer, surfing the web, social networking and etc can take away the time we do other things. I can also connect how the people who are attached to the electronics use so much usage of electricity, thinking that there are unlimited electricity, making us sort of unable to understand how badly we are destroying the environment (not too sure) and damaging our eyes and body. Sometimes I wish I can go back to the past to understand even though they are in need of electronics, why they don't use as much electronics as we have now.

I think it would be interesting to develop like an imagination of how you would be if you are without as much electronics as the people in the past or how it would be if there is a person that takes the risk. Or maybe you can compare the time with the computers and the time with the family, how the computer/electronic time are taking away with family time or other things time.

What you wrote makes me consider in my own life how it would be, for real, that we are able to connect with each other without so much of the electronic where we can look at people's faces and talk with them using our ability to talk, hand motions and expressions. Wondering if I can just sit in front of somewhere, like the park or the nature that has no electronics (getting too much but yea) that I will be able to just zone out or imagine without the screen of a computer popping in my mind now and then. Because like you said, we use it as often as our daily needs and even though we are able to get all those informations in a second when it occurs, it still seemed very likely that we are able to back out of that electronic easily and tried to live without it. (I hope you understand what I am saying xD)

It was awesome reading your post, got me thinking more about the risk of not using the electronics. Hope to read your next post!

Yu Xi:

The way you start of talking about how it is not strange was to me, agreeable because we are living through and was born through as the digitalization develops. Also I absolutely agree with what you wrote in your blog such as the "reality TV" that I haven't thought about it yet.

I can see how you wrote a lot about how our language changes as we use the social networking sites and the aim and texting because our social etiquette have changed. Maybe because we are born in the digitalization era that we and the people that are older, with the formal front they give to us makes us hard to "associate" with them with the formal English language and not the web language. Additionally, you wrote about how the old ways are replaced by the electronics like the "snail mail is replaced by e-mail," and etc. However, you also added at the end how because of the fuel used to make the digitalization that we are taking a lot from the environment, making it worse.

I agree how communicating online can make it seem less real than talking to the real person in front of you because you would never know what you expect from them, through their reactions and their expressions on their face when you tell them these things. Because it is "personal" what we are trying to tell the other person that makes it hard to tell it through online. However, sometimes, we speak through each other through online just to greet each other or find out each other when we don't actually see each other but needs help from each other (got sort of confuse with what I am saying much "each other").

i can you can develop the "Reality TV" because in a way, the people who direct the Reality TV are putting our life experiences in there, making the digitalization world combine with the reality. Yes, making just a video that is funny to the people can make you popular just using Youtube and the online and how showing their private lives out makes me think the maker of that video are the standing out person. And etc. etc... then they "sprouted", becoming famous and popular. xD

I feel that I am an observer, but also as well as the spoken person but unlike the ones in the videos or the celebrities, it is hard to produce those talented acting or like the reality tv that they are able to show their private lives, in my thinking, easier than I would show mine. In a way, I can see that they want attention but in a way, everybody wants attention and that there are going to be people who are brave enough to come out to entertain us lot. But, we just receive like that, taking it in and laughing if it is funny or eyes widen if it is interesting. On the other hand, when you talk about the environment, it is deeply concerned that we are using too much of what we shouldn't use before we ran out completely but I don't think we can stop it because it is the human development (or something) that makes us need these resources/materials in Earth. I think a lot of times, we take it for granted, and what I said before, people entertaining other people but as we comment on their videos or blogs, etc do we actually appreciate it or are we just saying thanks so easily?

It was great reading your blog, and wrote something that I haven't thought of, the Reality TV and a lot of the replacement that electronic has took over. Excited to read your next post!

Commenting Back:

Hey Yu Xi!~

Thanks for reading my blog, and your funny tone when you were having the same pain in the eyes while looking in the "glare" of the computer screen. Also having the same thought as I have.

Your point on developing on the parent comments was useful because we haven't really talked about it but then I have been thinking about it for a long time. Our parents would always nag us when we get too close to the screen or listening to the music very loudly.

I have been thinking about the comparison between the rural areas with the technology areas and all the versions of a same model electronic. However because we are living in a technology area and going to school, all the homeworks and printing we needed are from the computer. You made me thought about how all the electronics we needed, besides helping us in doing homeworks and stuff, are just here to entertain us. That we need something to entertain us to pass the time.

It feels as if your blog post was about how we are born with the technology and how we use those technologies to fulfill the desire in us of wanting some kind of entertainment. And the electronics is the one. Where as I am talking about if having the technology gone, what would we do? and as well as how we are isolating ourselves with these electronics and living within the digital realm rather than socializing with others. However, both of us have something about the social etiquette and mannerism where it is rude to have the electronics out with others around and how our language is declining because of the way we text our messages.

I think both our post and comments are talking about how electronics are affecting our lives in a bad and good way and we both see how this is affecting the environment and our bodies. Because we are using all the resources and materials to create all these versions of electronics that we need to upgrade or that to upgrade ourselves to show to the world we have these new versions. Additionally our tad obsessiveness of needing these electronics and the way we use it to our advantage to make something out to show themselves to the world.

Na Lin:

To Na L.:

Thank you for reading my messy blog and for agreeing with most of what I said. Right, my arguments were rather messy but I'm trying to think back and forth about what I'm trying to say. As to the main points in my post was about comparing between the rural and the city place and whether it would be good to have these or have that. Yes, I need to proofread on my thoughts. Thanks for pointing it out. But your point on how we are all like children is true, and made me thought more of how that connects to having the world as perfect. Because we are like children, we can't make the world perfect because as children, they can only seem to know whats right or wrong in the general but as for deeper thoughts like buying the newer versions of the electronics, it doesn't seem to stick to our mind that much. To clarify about the ideas, it is more of thoughts that I am complying and then trying to argue back and forth. (But its okay if you were confuse, I was too as I was writing my thoughts). I feel as we are just too excited when new things changed or gets upgrade when new electronics comes up and that we cannot wait but to be the first one to buy it. I think in your blog, you are as well talking about something I am not too sure because you have many topics within a topic. In a way, you're saying the electronics help you meet with other people that you might not even see face to face but I am saying that electronics affect socializing with the people you do actually face to face because the electronics takes up time from people (from socializing with the face to face people). But, I think my opinions changed a bit because interacting with others online is useful since we can learn from others cultures or identities, etc.. Both you and I seem to have in common is if the people that are using the electronics know that they are destroying the environment. Also those who made the electronics, the new materials needed for every upgrade, don't they think its wasteful? -Thanks for reading my blog- ^-^~

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for commenting, even though it was for hw I enjoyed reading it. I appreciated the thoughtful tone of your post, it makes it seem like you really thought about it and came up with your own original ideas relating to it.

    What was helpful was hearing your own thoughts about it because it makes me think more about the things I said as well as the new points you brought up. Such as when you talked about reality tv and youtube that it makes the person stand out and popular and as observers you talked about how "a lot of times, we take it for granted, and what I said before, people entertaining other people but as we comment on their videos or blogs, etc do we actually appreciate it or are we just saying thanks so easily?" It made me think that about why they are so popular because we want to turn our attentions to something and be entertained and they fulfill that purpose. But at the same we don't always appreciated it, we just take it in and watch and if we enjoyed it we'll like it. Maybe that's our way of appreciating something that we think is done well-- by enjoying it. I think that's why they create it in the first place anyway, so people will enjoy it.

    It also made me realize I could have expanded more on that topic because I only talked about how it made people famous and how people seem to have a great need for it that they're willing to put their lives on view to the public eye. So I could have talked about the audience more, why we're so willing to receive that and watch. When you talked about how sometimes it'd be easier if your life was on tv, I realized that I thought that way once or twice in the past. I use to think if this was out on display it'd be easier because then I wouldn't have to explain anything or maybe something funny would happen and I think I wish we captured this on film so we can share this with people.

    We both seem to be interested in how the digitalization affects us and our lives- what do you think will happen to us in the future? Thanks for reading my blog :)
