Tuesday, September 29, 2009

HW #8 - Commenting on Blog Partners - Video Project

To Lauren C.:
I liked how your transition on the video was very nice and the answers to the questions have a tone of yourself speaking out.

I think I understand how not having music sort of ruins the mood of the video and that you do look rather bored. I agree on how the teenagers do need the electronics/digital to pass their lives and not too much for the little ones yet. It is too early for them to ruin their eye sight! But yet again, I don't think we can stop them from coming near to the digital once they are in the age of needing them or really want to have them. Since I don't have a wii, I'm not too sure about the excitement but I do agree that since the wii came out, it seems more active with that game controller because you get to swing around, do exercise and not just sit there in front of a digital.

I think filming yourself just like that seems rather boring because you only see the game and not what you are also doing with the digital. Not adding music declines the mood down. As I've already said, it’s too early for the little ones to ruin their eye sight and I think its better for the little kids to be more active when they are young. I wouldn't want my kids to be like that but I'm fine with my sister, she got glasses already. (Just joking)

I think you can have developed your answers to the wii question because you seem to have more to say when I read it. I think you could have smile in the video too! But its a video better than mine.~

I also considered in my life now that I've seen your video of how everybody seem to look like the same when they are in front of a digital, they looked bored or doesn't seem happy. However once you strike something interesting in the internet you would feel surprise but somehow it's not capture in the video. I wonder why that happens?

Love your video, you looked gorgeous! Hope to read your next wonderful post!~^-^

To Na Lin:

Using your stuff animals as human and then putting them with the electronics was nice. Very creative of you. And the picture of the seal, now that you explain to me was very nice to open up the whole point of view you wanted to show. I think the major points in your post was about how technology is everywhere and like your answers said, that we love technology as much as we love playing with stuff animals when we are young (or now as well). And you said if we are getting bored with all these technologies floating around us and keeping us trapped in a one place, not going elsewhere physically? And you also mixed freedom in it that technology are restricting our freedom? I can connect how technology is spreading fast and affecting the Earth. We are quite needing to use our digital and that living in a digital era, we see a lot of electronics that we can't buy. Additionally, I agree with what you said about trapping ourself; we isolate ourselves in our room and started exploring the world out with the internet and then just using those informations that we have to put as our own. I feel as if we are in a virtual land, bad metaphor but hang on with that, that we are just using what others knowledge to put forth our own opinions and the view of the world. I thought you could have put more pictures about you (I mean not pictures of you but rather the technology that you are using, the pictures of how you view them, and I don't really mean pictures of the electronics you have) and less about the worldly view. I think that would show more of you than talking about the world because talking about the world is standard but about you, it's more understanding and lets me understand more about you. But my video is bad as well, yours is much better. After you publish your writing, I think you could have develop on what are the lies that you are talking about? Why is the world full of lies? And then you see people going online to get the information that are true, well the way we live in this world, we sort of have to think it is true. So do you think technology is a lie? Lol, can you explain a bit about the perfect world one because none of us are living in the perfect world. Are you living in a perfect world? Because we human have to pick up something new, like you said, that we are able to move on. But are you sure that means that it is free? Are we free to actually pick anything we want and use that to put it onto our path? What do you think? Do you think we can explore what we wanted, unlike going on to the internet and finding out stuffs and dream of it but rather physically go out and explore it? Or do we need a lot of money or some way to do that? It considers in my own life how everyday I come home, I would open my computer to either check my mail, surfing on the web or do my homework on the blogger/typing on the microsoft word. It seems that we might not needed but because we humans wanted to have an easier life that we choose the digital than not the digital. I don't really think technology will stop and even if it will, the time won't stop for us, the time that we have stop for us because we can't deal as easily living unlike the ones back in time. And then you said about freedom; do you mean freedom as in what makes you happy? Because a lot of us use the computer to be happy, for entertainment like what Andy said in class. Or do you mean freedom as in "trapped" in this room with the electronics that we have? Wonderful stuff animals, wish I have that much. Always happy to read your intriguing post. Hope to read more next time and the next and the next, next, next, next.... ^-^~

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