Monday, September 14, 2009

HW#3 (draft 2) initial thoughts about digitalization

As I am typing this post, it is better than writing it.
My eyes kind of hurt.

When I think about how we have to use electronics every day and for almost all day long depending on the job we do, do we ever get tired of it? Do we think about going back to the rural places, where the only electronic technologies are the light bulb and maybe the phone and a bit of t.v. and internet. Sometimes I just wish to go the rural places and look more to the nature environment because whenever I looked at the bright screen of an electronic such as cell phone, television, and the computer for too long, it makes my eyes and brain hurt.

Digitalization is symbolizing for advancing in technology but I always wonder what about the people who live in the rural side. Or what about the people in the past? They would be wondering what is with this era of technology. Are they happy with the instruments that they are using and as well as the people with the electronics, are we happy with it? Because sometimes we will hate it and sometimes we love it because it helps us do everything. If the technology continues to develop, would it affect how our body is going to function or how would it affect the nature or the diseases.

Electronics and the digitalization are important because everybody needs the news and the music can help people to be in their own world, helping them relax. That's why the electronic is a need to our lives and even though it is obvious that everybody is unable to "live" without the electronics, it is not good for you if you use too much in a day. It is great that we are able to have all these electronics but sometimes it feels meaningless having so many versions of one electronics and then wasting the resources. But we just have to do that because we need developing and advancing to the next stage. I think that like one day, because of all these digital environments we are in, we might get mess up with the reality and the digital realm.

As I already said, electronics are a need for everyone but there are always the bad things like the bacteria that can go into your ears when listening to your music with headphones on. How looking at the screen too closely can make your vision worse. Staying on the computer for too long is bad for your health and secluding yourself with the online world isn't good. Electronics are interfering with the socializing but mostly to the people who stayed at home. This is the comments that most parents would give especially the ones that doesn't really use the electronics or understand about them.

It's good that we can connect and talk to other people through using the digital/electronics but I feel as though it is more isolating ourselves because when we talk on Facebook or instant messaging, we do not have to actually be with the person. I think it is less social with using the electronics and if I talk on my cellphone or listening on my iPod, they would say it is rude and I shouldn't do that, which I think is weird. We are allowed to use the electronics but if we use it at the wrong time, we take the blame.


  1. Hey Jia Min!

    I agreed with what you said about the many many versions of one technology can get a tad bit obsessive at times especially when the only change they made to it was change the color and add a button or something. Its nessary because they want to make it more advanced, although, for me I think as long as it has the basics its fine. I liked all the little comics you added to the blog after each paragraph, its like a short break after each paragraph.

    I can imagine someone who locks themselves in their room and plays the computer or video game and that's all they do. Imagining that can see how this could negatively impact our health, mentally and physically. You know how you said that your eyes kind of hurt in the beginning of the blog? I'm kind of feeling it right now, the glare of the computer screen is hurting my eyes! Lately my eyesights been getting worse and that's a pretty bad sign. Probably a testament to how much I use the computer. I'm wondering if I say I use it to read does that make it seem less bad. I actually do use it for that DX. But if it hurts your eyes....then we will have bad eyesight together!~ haha. Actually...that's not a good thing.

    I think you can develop more about the parents comments about technology it was a bit random because it wasn't talked about too much. I think its true people say things like that, not neccesarily limited to our parents...though its probably more likely coming from them. Maybe add a conclusion that connects everything together. But other than that I thought it was pretty good.

    When you talked about moving to a rural area, I wondered that too, what it'd be like to just up and move to the country or something like that. How it'd be like to fare without all the electronics for awhile. I think the change in scenery would be nice. It also makes me think how much we use the electronics is influenced by how necessary they are in our environment. Its like we have tv and a computer because alot of the things we do require it of us; like hw, printing, researching. Its also one of the primary things that are used to keep us entertained in this culture. Maybe if we lived somewhere where work was the only thing we had time for, where its not needed as much, we wouldn't be using it so much.

    I liked reading your thoughts, it made me think more about some things like the idea of disconnecting for a while from the technology, and how there are new social mannerisms to account for technology, like having headphones in your ear and how some people think its rude. I'm excited to read a new post from you!

  2. Hey Yu Xi!~

    Thanks for reading my blog, and your funny tone when you were having the same pain in the eyes while looking in the "glare" of the computer screen. Also having the same thought as I have.

    Your point on developing on the parent comments was useful because we haven't really talked about it but then I have been thinking about it for a long time. Our parents would always nag us when we get too close to the screen or listening to the music very loudly.

    I have been thinking about the comparison between the rural areas with the technology areas and all the versions of a same model electronic. However because we are living in a technology area and going to school, all the homeworks and printing we needed are from the computer. You made me thought about how all the electronics we needed, besides helping us in doing homeworks and stuff, are just here to entertain us. That we need something to entertain us to pass the time.

    It feels as if your blog post was about how we are born with the technology and how we use those technologies to fulfill the desire in us of wanting some kind of entertainment. And the electronics is the one. Where as I am talking about if having the technology gone, what would we do? and as well as how we are isolating ourselves with these electronics and living within the digital realm rather than socializing with others. However, both of us have something about the social etiquette and mannerism where it is rude to have the electronics out with others around and how our language is declining because of the way we text our messages.

    I think both our post and comments are talking about how electronics are affecting our lives in a bad and good way and we both see how this is affecting the environment and our bodies. Because we are using all the resources and materials to create all these versions of electronics that we need to upgrade or that to upgrade ourselves to show to the world we have these new versions. Additionally our tad obsessiveness of needing these electronics and the way we use it to our advantage to make something out to show themselves to the world.

  3. Hiya Jia Min!

    There are many things I agree with in your blog like all the effects that digitalization can cause for the world. I think there is still a place without technology, but humans were meant to strive for the best so sooner or later they will eventually surrender to digitalization.

    I can't see your main point since you tend to argue with yourself. Though it is a great thing that you can look in both directions at the same time but sometimes it best to look one way and argue. From your post I understand that there are pros and cons to all technology. Technology will continue to develop just as we learned in 10th grade the world is always looking for a way to upgrade itself.

    People feel that technology makes it's easier for them and helps them keep up with the rest of the world. We're all like children, if we see something new, cool, better than before, etc. we want to get it. Is it human to be that way? Do people ever think about the harms technology cause for the environment? Humans are careless, when things go wrong they start to feel the guilt, if the world was perfect we would never know that what we're doing is hurting other people in this world. What's yours but also mine? The world is ours so we have to make it right.

    Not to be mean! I'm just doing as told TT.TT I think you should proofread your writing since I didn't understand what you were trying to say till I read it again.(not saying I'm any better =.=) I think your post would have been a lot better if you had pick one side for your argument. Throughout the post I felt like you were trying to find a way to prove yourself wrong.

    I would really much like it if you could talk about people in the digital realm, since not all of us spend time using cell phone or facebook. Many people post up problems and wait for a respond on how they should go on living a life they feel impossible, we can't always go face to face with people we know to talk about things like this.

    (>'.')>Thank you for reading!<('.'<)
    Na L

  4. Hey Jia Min, I like how you talk about your feelings atm (at the moment, too lazy to type it out in the future).

    You wonder whether advanced technology has been a positive contribution to the society or not. Advanced technologies are good in a way that Ipods can help people relax but they are also bad in a way that earphones can transmit germs into your ears.

    I know how we all hate DRDs for taking over our lives (at least I do, a little) but I can also see that you have been attached to DRDs. You wish that we can go back to a time when technology was not that advanced but you also wish that there was a little bit of TV and internet. Clearly, you are hooked onto at least one DRD and it seems as if we need DRDs to entertain ourselves.

    You have great questions and ideas but I feel that your ideas are all over the place. I think you should say all the positive aspects together and then the negative aspects.

    I once too wondered how it is in rural areas; I told Adam today that I was sick of the city and he told me that there is nothing to do in rural areas. I think that if people from the city moved into the rural areas, they will use more DRDs than they did in the city because they need something to entertain them.

    Lastly, I love your pictures; they are hilarious.

  5. To Na L.:
    Thank you for reading my messy blog and for agreeing with most of what I said.

    Right, my arguments were rather messy but I'm trying to think back and forth about what I'm trying to say. As to the main points in my post was about comparing between the rural and the city place and whether it would be good to have these or have that.

    Yes, I need to proofread on my thoughts. Thanks for pointing it out. But your point on how we are all like children is true, and made me thought more of how that connects to having the world as perfect. Because we are like children, we can't make the world perfect because as children, they can only seem to know whats right or wrong in the general but as for deeper thoughts like buying the newer versions of the electronics, it doesn't seem to stick to our mind that much.

    To clarify about the ideas, it is more of thoughts that I am complying and then trying to argue back and forth. (But its okay if you were confuse, I was too as I was writing my thoughts). I feel as we are just too excited when new things changed or gets upgrade when new electronics comes up and that we cannot wait but to be the first one to buy it.

    I think in your blog, you are as well talking about something I am not too sure because you have many topics within a topic. In a way, you're saying the electronics help you meet with other people that you might not even see face to face but I am saying that electronics affect socializing with the people you do actually face to face because the electronics takes up time from people (from socializing with the face to face people). But, I think my opinions changed a bit because interacting with others online is useful since we can learn from others cultures or identities, etc..

    Both you and I seem to have in common is if the people that are using the electronics know that they are destroying the environment. Also those who made the electronics, the new materials needed for every upgrade, don't they think its wasteful?

    -Thanks for reading my blog- ^-^~
