Saturday, September 26, 2009

HW 6 Jia Min H. Digital Slideshow

Jia Min H. Photo Digital Slideshow from Jia Min on Vimeo.

*note* this vimeo is a slideshow and I apologize that I wasn't able to take a picture of me using the digital electronics I have. Really sorry, (also explained in the slideshow).
When watching this slideshow of mine, I thought the photos that I took in the beginning was standing out because it was related to mostly of the electronics that I use. Since the pictures was taken by me it felt weird and didn't really know how to fit in with the other photos. As well as the feeling of exposing to others about what electronics that I have. I didn't really mind the anime pictures because it has already been expose but it was awkward showing my possessions. It was fun making the slideshow but also tiring as I went along to put in effects and etc. In my mind, I kept thinking, "what should I put?" or "does this look well?" and the whole matching with the sequences had troubled me.
Whether or not I would want, for example, my little sister to spend her time with digital is her choice. I will tell her that it would be bad because I have experienced it but because she didn't, she would be pushing herself to want to try what I don't want her to try. But I also don't want her to spend her time just sitting in front of an electronic for too long. I rather she read or write or go out and play in the park or elsewhere instead of gluing her eyes in front of the screen. Too bad, they don't have any anti-digital equipment to ward the children off.
Even though I'm not on the slideshow but when I tried filming my sister for a little while (though it failed), she was very concentrated on the game she was playing. Her eyes didn't blink as much as it would if she read a book. When I move my hand back and forth from the screen, she didn't seem to notice as well and she moves her head to see what's going on when I blocked the screen. Afterwards, I think when you are captured in a video and see yourself in it, you will realize how it is different if you look back at yourself rather than thinking about how you look in the video. What I mean is that you are concentrated on the electronic but sometimes on the video, you look zoned out or that you seem very concentrated like my sister that your face are sad-looking or not a happy face. But, yea, I think you are different from the video.


  1. Jia Min!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    -pokes the pro- o3o
    The video are great, I agree that we shouldn't let the little kids follow in our footsteps but what can we do. When trying to care for them people would say that you're only thinking of yourself meaning that we're only saying that we care so that we have more time to ourselves with digitalization. We have the world at our feet yet we don't know it, our skills can be the same or better than those who live it when these things came out because we were born in it.

    I lack in technology skills so people like me i think it would be alright if they had more time to spend with their technology, thought I end up taking apart mine probably. There are a lot of things you can't do in this world that you can in the digital world. In a world where everyone is against the digital world is a way of escaping and creating a better self-to-be. People believe that if that create a digital character then they can plan out a life story for this character but they are wrong the character we create are no different from us. It's the same as giving your own blood to this character and creating a better you, testing out how different your lives can be.

    The anime & manga pictures were great but I felt like it could be improved. I think you could have shown a bit more of what you're getting by using these technology. Like spending an hour on this video is too much, we could have use more time doing something more healthy rather than be frustrated and hurting your head by thinking how could it be better? what will other people think? Thinking about these kinds of stuff just cage us in our own world no different then the digital world.

    My head felt empty when typing this, it's like I don't have a brain or maybe I just not thinking anymore. o-o I really like the video, enjoyed watching it. Don't worry about the blog thing, I'll read it when I get bored and starting laughing thinking about why you guys bother arguing =p

    (>'.')>Thank you for reading! <('.'<)
    ƸӜƷ Na L ƸӜƷ

  2. Hey Na Lin,
    thanks for reading my post =] I'm really glad you took your time to write me back and appreciate you agreeing with what I said. Your tone has a onee-san tone xD.

    ah~ Thanks for the need improving point, I should have "shown a bit more of what you're getting by using these technology. Thank you for enjoying watching this video. The only part I liked was the anime pictures being there. (I took bad pictures).

    You made me see new things such as creating ourselves a character that is just like us because we want to become better. And then when you said "self-to-be" it reminded me of shugo chara!; that we want to become what we want in our mind but why do that? Why not accept who you are the way you are? Do you think yourself is wrong because you are influenced by others, thinking that the others don't like the way you are, wanting to become loved and not lonely, then you have to go and change yourself? Then you said to test "how different your lives can be" and true that whenever we play game, we would create a character that we pick the styles the way a little to a whole lot different from us.

    Your video was showing how we are trapped, or caged in in this digital world and I'm about talking the same thing as you, that we are isolated by this digital plus sticking to the electronic for too long is bad for you. We're both looking for more of the negative sides of the digital more than I thought and that we're both agreeing how kids are getting more and more of the digital as the age keeps getting younger and younger. For example, I got my computer when I was in 5th or 6th grade and now for my sister, I have to let her play the computer and sometimes use it for homework even though she is only in 4th grade.

    You and I both talk about how the digital affect the kids. Do you think it is also because of the parents fault. In a way I see it, because the adults need to go to work, they would leave the child at home, when it's appropriate age and let them play the PS3 or wii or the computer that the adults bought back so the kid won't be lonely. However, when, for example again, if the kid need to get glasses because of the digital, I can see that adult would blame it on the kid for playing around the digital. However another point, is that is digital another way to comfort the neglected children? Are the digital helping the children get the attention they needed because the parents doesn't have time to give them? If it is, then digital is not a bad thing if we are alone.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ja Min!
    Your video is so cute, If is a good representation of yourself. I really liked your quote bubbles explaining the devices significance to yourself. I also really liked the idea of breaking your video into two parts, one being the electronics and then the other things you get from the internet like watching anime and menga. I think you had a unique vision and executed it well.
    You mention the thought process of making the video and the reactions it caused you. You also mention the comparison of lifestyles that you and your sister share. I also agree that I would not like my little siblings to spend too much time on the internet. Finally the biggest argument that I agree with is watching yourself (or you’re younger sister) use electronics. I have noticed as well the same zoned look people seem to have.
    When I look back at my video I notice the dull emotions on my face. Even though that is what it might seem on the outside, inside I am actually enjoying myself. I think case I can relate your younger sister, not in having a sad face but one of concentration into something you like.
    I think an idea worth expanding is that you mention it was awkward for you to show your possessions on the video to people. Why do you think showing the electronics you own make you feel vulnerable when others seem to love to flaunt their possessions?

    After viewing your video it made me consider the joy that I get from the internet or other electronic devices. You seem to love what electronics provide for you. I see anime has become a big part of your life and that may be because of the internet or TV, who knows. It just made me think of what things make me happy and what is the main source that provides those things.
    You and I seem to have similar insights and I look forward to seeing your angle of insights on this unit. –Lauren

  5. To Lauren:

    Thank you for watching my video and complimenting me on the unique way I have executed my video. Also that it is "cute", thanks ^o^. You also have a warm tone in your post, and I feel very happy reading your comment. xD

    Your point that I should expand my feeling of awkwardness was very helpful because I should have explain it more clearly so you would understand what I am saying. I actually didn't really know why it is awkward but I think because I am showing this to others (plus strangers) that I didn't feel like letting people know what I do.

    You made me thought about why "others seem to love to flaunt their possessions?" And that made me realize how different people are in sharing their private things with others. We want to use the digital, to get new friends such as Facebook but people like me, I don't want to share what's too private or something (Jia Min's a shy person) and then those people who love to show their private life to tell others about themselves more. And then when you said how on the outside we look very concentrated or zone out and then in the inside, you are enjoying it, I think it is true. But why are we not able to show that in the video or why are we not able to see the enjoyment on the outside as we are enjoying it in the inside?

    It seems that both of us are thinking about our little sister, or children a lot and how digital would affect them heavily. We both are concern what would happen to the little ones when we are experiencing the influence under the digital. We are both looking at how it would effect and cause us with using our digital.

    Like I said before, both of us seem to talk about the emotions that presents us on our face when using digital and how much effects digital has put on the people (especially the little ones). However we both seem to love the digital that we have, for you its the wii and for me its the anime/manga and my computer (<3). And your last comment that you said we have "similar insights" I agree with that as well.

    Ciaossu~ ^0~
