Monday, October 19, 2009

HW #13 Feed B

I thought Feed was more like a mirror that reflects a hammer shaping this society (that is in his book) that parallels to our society, which was interesting to read. The book is a mirror that is reflected on how technology affect our lives more negatively than positively. Then it adds the hammer where it constructs new things like the Feed and going to the moon. I thought having the Feed idea in the book was good, a work of art, showing our obsessiveness in technology though a bit too much since I think having a digital 24/7 is tiring. Also, Anderson gives us this ending, this tragedy but he doesn't really give us a solution to at least stop this tragedy from happening. Because Feed has not been created yet so I don't think it would be as big as the tragedy but would there be hope for a solution for the our society yet that allows us to use the amount of digital that we want but not to break down easily?
The characters that Anderson has build reflect how the teenagers in our society are but such ones like Violet, made me think about how the ratio between the ones that don't think about this world tragedy (where Violet ends up in a sort of a coma because of technology) are larger than the others like Violet that does think. I feel that his writing was in a young adult voice but then I think his messages was directed to both adults and young adults. His way of writing is funny and because it has a lot of teenager word slangs and others, it makes it more real and feels as if I am in there, thinking how Titus's teenager mind is like. He write it very figuratively that makes it more of a hidden note but as the story progresses, the messages reveal more and more, which makes the story interesting but saddening as well.
Reading his book makes me aware of what technology can do, especially one that are so influential (the Feed) that can end as a tragedy, which I think Anderson wrote successfully on. If Feed does exist and it malfunctions like Violet would, I think that means that we ourselves are destroying our own because we created this. I think even though all of us want development but we do not really think about it well enough that would make us safer. Another point that I saw that made the book art is the ignorance (which we spoke about in class) that we all have such as Titus's father who keeps disagreeing with Violet about the world ending and the Feed is a really good technology. It seems to say that we are ignoring what's bad but wants to receive what's good. Once we know that a big news such as the world ending are hard to take it in and this ignorance of ours are going to punish us; in a way like how Titus is starting to malfunction as well towards the end and how the popularity of lesions are cutting up our body, making our body to become a toy and also making us an amusement or disgust to others.

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