Monday, October 26, 2009

HW #15 Commenting

Hw #12
Yu Xi:
I can see in your post for 14 that you use the "word" medium a lot for technology and I thought that was cool.

I thought your first and second paragraph was talking about isolation, just to yourself and not others there physically with you. Like ignoring other's messages and trying to not listen to it because it might disrupt our own lives. Then in the third paragraph, you said that same thing plus that "some things should be said out loud" because through a "medium" (^-^), we are only doing the easier way out and to "not deal with it."

Yes, I agree with you how it the book is rather exaggerating on the one side argument that Anderson is perceiving. But I'm wondering if he is only saying about America? What about other 1st world places? (I'm mixing this with the Extend idea)I can also see how we all liked to be in our own bubbles; worrying about our problems first instead of others. We want to block them out because we already find ourselves stress enough.I can connect that sometimes because we don't want to face our emotions that we want to write it online so as the other person don't need to look at us. Using a medium, we can wait before our true words come out and can be replaced with something else. But facing with each other, sometimes honesty slips out so in a way, we don't want to deal with so much trouble or some of the reality.

I thought that what you wanted to say is develop enough that I can see what your arguments/points are. This post has a lot of insights and I'm glad that I am your partner.

Always wonderful to read your post. Hope to read more next time~ =D

Hw #13
Na Lin:
I thought it was interesting how you call it "parasite feeding" and how you presented Violet as the humanity in the book. =D It was a cool idea you've came up with from the book.

I think your points on the book was how technology is taking away our "humanity" like it did to Violet, how technology feeds on us more than we feed on them and how because of our actions are being used first that mistakes happened and then our thoughts/answers comes in after that.

I agree how if Feed was made into a film, a lot of us would think how stupid the kids were int he film but actually its a mirror of us teenagers. As well as that even though we created the technology, the technology advanced our humanity, our humanity is still going to decline because we're being sucked in by the technology; the technology that we've created are killing us as well.
(Adding the "E" letter here too) Your insights have sparked me a lot that no one forces us to choose to use the technology. Because we choose it, it can already be a mistake like Violet (or was it her Dad?) that chose to put the feed in her brain. I agree that technology has flaws and we've been carelessly thinking that there are technicians that would help us but actually we need to pay more than the amount of help that we would get from the technicians. Like how it was in the book; Violet and her dad protested on the phone but a point that I saw was, why not just take out the feed? and be a "nature" person instead? But anyways, I think that because we've created this whole digital system, that mostly everybody is using it that we've already lost many of the natural things and the feeling of wanting to be with the wilderness and etc. I believe that the teenagers now have lost a lot of the insights that we should look upon (like the teenagers in Feed) and I wonder when would we realize what's happening to us and the younger generations.

Well just to say, I thought you could develop on "by pass the rule of perfection" as I don't really understand it much. And also do you think that we are losing our humanity also because unlike a big technology like Feed, we have more smaller technologies but are we being consume (our minds) by the technology?

Always happy to read your intriguing post. Hope to read more next time~ =D

Hw #14
To Na Lin:

Well I think you could have read the twilight series because its better than Harry Potter xD. And your point on how we all started out as strangers and then to friends was interesting.

I thought your main points were that in games, we can be more of ourselves than reading books and learning other ways to learn other things. Also how socializing with strangers can be knowledgeable because we are learning what their lives are and other facts/opinions they have.

I think I have to disagree with you about taking away a book from a person and they would not get as much reaction as you would get from a kid playing a game. When reading picture books like the kids do or an interesting book, like I would if I am reading and then gets distracted or stopped by someone, I would get really mad at a point. And those kids that got stopped would throw a tantrum. Also I think there are other ways of learning besides books like learning from games and television. Though I keep thinking that games and television are more of a social interaction than more of the intelligence part.

I thought you could have develop the difference of Johnson and Anderson's book because I think its me that I don't see much of the contradictions. And I thought you could develop what other ways are can we use to learn or get knowledge from. Or talk about the emotion IQ that Johnson was talking about.

Your post made me consider about my own life because I use the computer more than playing games or watching the television. I learned a lot from watching anime and the chinese shows but I thought reading was fun and imaginative as well. Like manga, its a book and I bet a lot of people would start yelling at me if I disturbed from reading (if they are a manga fan).

It was nice reading your post. Hope to read more next time~ =D

To Yu Xi,

I thought your post was very knowledgeable (xD, I forgot the word but yea...) and your last paragraph about the consumerism/media/advertisement that Feed had put out was a point that I forgot (._.>bad jia min) and you have put a very interesting ending sentence.

I think your main point was that you agree with Johnson on most part and that you think the television shows now and the games have developed into a way that lets our brain to work our more and pushing us to think about what are the shows talking about and how can I defeat this level to go on to the next. (I agree with you too =D)

I thought your post is kind of connected to Na Lin because Na Lin also say that games are letting us to become smarter and be more social. I also agree with you that the television shows (though I rarely watch them now) has affected how we think. And as well as games how that affect us to do "fast analysis" and then be able to predict what the next move will be. By moving our brain neurons that the games and televisions have give, we become smarter (in a way).

I thought you could have develop the other idea that Johnson had give about the social interaction and the Emotional IQ because a lot of what you are saying are talking on the intelligence part. But overall, I thought your post was very interesting to read.

Your post has also made me think about how Johnson is helping the media and the demands to go up for the sellers. By telling us to play with more games and watch more televisions, we are being suck into the media world and losing the feeling of books and all.

It was great reading your post. Hope to read more next time~ =D.

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