Monday, November 30, 2009

HW #27 Informal Research - Interviews and Surveys

Family Members Responses:
I asked my cousin because I have always admired her for her smartness and her sophistication. Even though she is tall, I think she has a beauty and confidence within (yes, it's cheesy but I have a lot of respect for her; like a very cool older sister). She always help people and her help with my pin yin in Chinese really helped me. When I asked if I can interview her about the unit of coolness, she was rather confuse at first. I guess she was not sure of what to say and felt weird that I was learning this unit, which I laughed. I used aim to chat with her and she responded with "Huh?... What's this for?" at first.
I asked her what she think about cool and she said, "I think cool is when they are in the lead of popularity and being social". After I explained it about the purpose of the interview, she started getting the hang of answering my question and she seemed more confident with her answers through the words she wrote. The next two answers are from her:
- The significance of being cool? -> The significance of being cool is because it sort of gives the person who is "cool" the sense of authority and power and having the "attraction" like feel from others.
- Why do you think "cool" is important in society? -> I think it depends on person to person. In this society, people look towards those who are "cool" and make them as role models but personally I don't think cool is important because everybody should be unique which is "cool".
Which I think is true because I look up to her. xD

Friend Response:
Then I ask my friend about coolness but she seem kind of nervous, telling me what kind of answers she wants from me. I told her, anything is okay, its your opinion, not mine. As she said her answers to my question, for example, when I asked her what is the meaning of cool to you? she answered, "Someone who fits into society and the people or trend that is going on presently". Then she would add an "idk" (I don't know) at the end or "...". I thought it was funny how asking people about coolness can get different tone or how the way they answer such as some people will say the answers confidently but some would be the not sure kind.
This answer I rewrote what she said since she was typing in im-ing style (idk, wat, rly etc..). The question was why do you think cool is important in society?
- Cool is important today because people pick friends if they are cool or not as well as how they are dressed and etc. That's how it affects others and spreading the idea of picking cool people. Even the media portrays things like that to people to buy their things and others so it is a big deal in people's life. They wish to pick things that are cool and might be cool to the society.

Friends Responses (Just compilations):
- Cool means being yourself and not comforming to the society but having your own style. - Rachel
- Is there significance in being cool? -> Is there a need to be cool? - Annonymous
- Feeling others around you. Being self-esteem. Approve of who you are and we are use to living that way (even though its not really it) - Amanda
- People want to be recognize and notice. They want to be attention seekers. - Kate
- Coolness matters to me because there are interesting characters. It matters to society because they want to be idolize, to be look up to, and to make the people improve themselves to be something/ or "the cool" - Remy
- Significance of coolness in the society is to hold the society in balance for power so "cool" is a very fine thin line of what people can and cannot be. - Fred the Ant Eater
- Difficulties of being cool? -> The everlasting changes of society shows that people need to adapt to new standards of new generations fast... - Mr. Choi
- Facebook connect to cool? -> On Facebook, people wouldn't put on a blunt picture so they would put a picture that would look "cool". Like Online dating.... - Na Lin
- People want to be cool because they want attention and notice. They kind of validate themselves or for someone to think that of them. - Yu Xi
- Pressure from the Cool person's point of view? - Yes, because they will have a pressure to fulfill that role that everybody thinks of them and don't want to let them down so they don't want to disappoint them. - Yu Xi

Three strangers:
The first stranger was a male that my group met and he was wearing a brown coat, holding a cup of coffee. Like my family members and friends, they were surprised about the unit of "coolness". When Remy asked, "what makes a person cool?" (not really the exact question, sorry =.=), he answered, "What does?" His answer made me thought how answering with a question is always a cool way to block something or not knowing the answer. Then he said the way we dress and
popularity was how people become cool. Then Remy asked, "Do you think you are cool?" and I wonder if it made the mister slightly uncomfortable. But he said, "No, I'm not cool." and then said, "I'm too old to be cool." I thought that was funny as I think all ages can be cool people.

The second stranger was a male that was dressed casually, with dark wash jeans, hoodie with a cap, buttons on his jacket and wearing plug earrings. We asked him the same questions as the first stranger; what makes a person cool? and he responded, "Usually their character". The next answer was funny; we asked him: Do people think you are cool? He answered, "Yes they do but I don't think I'm cool." Then he gave an explanation that we want to be cool because we are missing something in our lives so we go seek for attention and popularity. We want to fulfill the emptiness of our lives by trying to become cool. At the end of the conversation, he told us he was a musician who played the rock and roll guitar in a band and he traveled the world. I told him, "That's cool!~".

The third stranger was a woman, wearing a tan jacket and has blonde hair carrying a brown bag. The answers she gave us were different than the first two because she really explained a lot of of what she thought. When I saw her, I asked her what she was holding; she was holding a purse hook that is a round button in the middle with a string of magnets that can be arranged to a hook to placed the purse. Then we started asking her questions and she was very friendly and opened about it. She said, "Confidence and what age" matters to how the coolness work. I followed up by asking her if personality is important and she said "yea, personality is important but it depends" because some people would be faking to hide their real personality. She said "Everybody can be cool" and that she herself is cool: "I think I am really cool".
An interesting answer that made it different was that "cool and popularity are different things". The example she gave was that a person with a talent, let say a talent in art shows his/her art work out and people would say that that is cool as well as the person him/herself. So having a passion is cool but it does not necessarily mean that cool has to have popularity in it. Which I really agree because a person does not have to have popularity to have something cool about them; I think it is how interesting a person is that sparks in ourselves to say that that person is cool. Remy asked her how she defines cool but she also asked us how we defined cool, making the conversation not only us toward her but she asking back to us. Her answer to that was, "Because its idealize in the society, and its a positive thing that people want to think about. Since everybody wants to be cool. It also depends on our own interpretation."
We thanked the three strangers on the street for their cooperation.

Monday, November 23, 2009

HW #26 Photos and Questions

Had a fun time reading the answers xD.
Questions for the Interviewees:
1) What personality do you think a cool person should have?
2) Can you see when a person is faking to be cool? How?
3) From the story you have written, what best describes your character that portrays your definition "cool" besides what you mention on #1?
4) Would you rather be a cool person (from another person's point of view) from who you are, your true self or being a cool person for other people's views/benefits?
5) Can I have a picture of yourself? "Sure... whatever you think you are cool in this picture or one that you like", I replied when they ask what kind.
*note: rather than asking them for a full body shoot, I thought it would be cooler and better if they give me an image of how they want to pose themselves in their interviews. Sorry...*

1) "O I don't know, nice"

2) "I think its kinda easy at least for me, I can read people, lets say for example ___... , you can tell she just wants attention from the way she acts".

3) "well liked, she doesn't have to just be loud and have respect but she can be quiet like in yu xi's story". "Down to Earth".

4) "I would want to be who I am, I don't really care if people think I'm cool. Well I guess I can't say that cause I care what people think but I wouldn't let it dictate how I live my life. I would live it my own way whether it made me cool or not".

Bao Lin:
1) "wise, generous, indifference"

2) "I think it is occasionally, sometimes when a person is trying very hard to be cool such as dressing in certain way and speak in certain ways that they did not usually do, you know it right away because it is obvious enough. In other words, not commited to who you really are, not the original, i think that is consider faking. But I do think there are actually cool people out there
and they are not faking, but people who are jealous of them might have the chance to think they are faking when they are just cool for real."

3) "I think appreciating is something that I did not mention before, and it is one of the thing that I keep talking about in my story. Such as Pakho who thinks he has already been appreciating his surroundings by taking a lot of pictures, I think it is one of the very important elements to be cool in terms of my definition. But later on in my story, when Pakho found out that there are actually people who knows how to appreciate life and nature more than he does, he is not as cool as the others. I think this is something that best describes my character protraying my definition of being cool, which is know how to appreciate and not looking down on the others."

4) "I think I will rather be a cool person from my very true self, because I think that is what it all matters. Fulfilling somebody else eyes are just not my style of living and I think choosing for myself is what it matters the most. Its like when things are your very own, like things that you learned then you owned them, nobody can really steal it from you. But if you are living basing off from the others, they can say you are cool at this moment, and say you are lame the next. I don't think it is worth it, and as long as I am pursuing what cool is to my own definition, I am satisfy within. But I guess being a cool person for other people's benefit might sound interesting, because you are like a role model of something and direct people to live in certain ways that you think it is right. I guess I am not that type of people who is going to that extreme about right and wrong, so I think being the true self and being cool within my own meaning is pretty acceptable to my own standards of living."

1) "I like someone with a charismatic personality, someone who is friendly and likable at the same time."

2) "Not all the time. Actually now that i think about it, i don't think i really know. But i know that inside each of us, we all try to be cool to some extent. Apparently we're rlly good at hiding it these days but i think that when i do see it, it generally people who try to act loud and call for attention and does it unsuccessfully."

3) "Ooh. I think the nonchalant-ness that a lot of people talk about because all of us make the biggest time all of everything, it's like a breath of fresh air when we meet somebody who isn't as enthused about everything. It sort of contradicts the charismatic point, but somehow some people manage to have both qualities and make it work perfectly."

4) "Why can't you be both? lol. Like the saying goes, "you can't have others love you until u learn to love yourself". So it's important that you stay your true self and love yourself despite the things you might not think others will like and in turn, they will learn to like you. I mean you can't have everyone like you but the point is to see yourself as cool no matter what others might think of you. So i guess if i had to choose from your question, i would pick the first opt."

1) "uhm well nice and not judgmental, not a person who judges others and stands up for their friends even if they aren't popular."

2) " mee. sometimes. When that person tries to hard to be cool and fit in with others. Like does whatever everyone else does even if that person doesn't agree."

4) "I would be my true self. I'm more comfortable that way, and if that person didn't like me for who i am then we weren't meant to be friends in the beginning. Its better for people to like who you truly are, then for people to hang out with someone your trying be. You make better friends for being who you are. Not everyone will like you for being your true self but its better than having everyone like you for who you aren't. Its better to do your own thing and if people dont like it, they can deal with it. Your not going to change for their benefit, for their preference. Only yours. Unless your a total snob. Then you might want to rethink it. Changing is basically asking yourself if who you are now is the type of person you want to be or if you can look in the mirror and say im happy to be who i am". Then she clarifies a bit, "Changing is becoming someone who you can be proud of or your younger siblings could be proud of. For making the right decisions or standing for what you believe in."

6) (since she isn't in the same school, and she is sophmore. Additionally, I'm chatting with her through AIM, so I am just pasting what she said truthfully)
Question: if you would have written a story about a character that defines what you think is cool, what would the story be about? (It's very different from a lot of people's writing but I like it)

Answer: " hum. I dunno. When I think about it, cool is different from what at first comes to mind. When I think of the word "cool" its about a young boy slaying monsters and saving princesses. But here's my story. There would be a young girl, who has to save the prince from danger, :D . But everyone doesn't believe in her and gives her reasons why she can't save the prince. Like, you're a girl, you can't or you're very fragile or something. And its true she is fragile and boys usually save the day since they're usually the heroes in stories. Anyway, she didn't really care what others said because she just wanted to save the prince. So, with her trusty wooden stick in her hand, since most people aren't trained in kendo, the young girl takes off towards the woods to find the prince. There she meets tons of animals saying she can't save the prince and since no one believes in her, she begins to believe she really can't.

Except she later sees a bunny running away from a wolf while she's hiding in a tree. The bunny, definitely, can't out run the wolf or fight it off. But it tries hard not to be eaten and just when you think the rabbit is done for--it basically outsmarts the wolf by jumping into random bushes and disguising its scent, letting the it run away while the wolf is confused. Then the young girl jumps out of the tree and is inspired to rescue the prince again. When she hears the prince's voice deep within a cave, she runs towards it only to see a huge dragon standing guard. Obviously, she can't kill the dragon or outrun it.

So, the young girl outsmarts the dragon by trapping it within a bunch of vines. She rescues the prince and instead of leaving the dragon strangled in vines, the young girl asks the him, why he captured the prince. The dragon tells the her that he kidnapped the prince because other dragons were capturing princes & princesses too, and he wanted to be like other dragons. So the she tells the dragon, he doesn't have to be like other dragons and to be for who he is. If they don't like his nature, they can tough it. So the dragon, the girl and the prince all becomes friends. Regardless of what people say about them =D.

The End.

(I hope the readers find this story cute and interesting because I like it a lot. ^-^)

HW #25 Story Comments and Analysis

To Yu Xi:
I thought that your story is a supporting "cool" person that helps out another person.Then that character gets a "cool" side too for building up the strength and confidence to show the mural out. And naming your story "possibilities" was a "cool" category because there are a lot of possibilities to be a cool person. However yours weren't the kind of story where the person needs to dress up nice and sort of a nonchalant person.
Nice story, really like the artsy theme you put in. =D

To Kate:
^-^ I like your story a lot. And the ending was funny too, yelling back at that Amber girl.
"Cool" story
-Jia Min

To Carrie:
I thought your story was very "cool" and the girl doodling seems to be one of the nonchalant manner that other "cool" people do.
The last sentence was a good ending. =D
-Jia Min

To Maggie:
I thought your story was very "cool", and your character was in with the fashion style but the personality was different. Not that one that wants attention but got it without doing anything.
Though the last part, passing the kid and giving a card to him was funny. A good ending.
Nice Job!~
-Jia Min

To Sandy:
Like everybody else, I am very curious to know what happen to Lyn during her summer.
I thought your character was a good one because even thought she is a cool and popular, she's the kind and "cool" ones. ^-^ Nice Job!~
-Jia Min

To Bao Lin:
I thought your story was very cool and the characters and their names were very funny. The ending was a great one and it shows how "cool" people can be defeated if their "insight" is not "cool" enough. xD
-Jia Min

Besides Carrie, Maggie and Bao Lin's story, I thought the other stories were about a "cool" person that supports and help another person or defend them. I thought the element of coolness for those stories was the kindness and supportiveness that the "cool" people give to other. And then that person like the character in Yu Xi's story got the confidence and strength to show her art in front of people because of the "cool" character who gave the girl advices and support.

However, like Sandy and Kate's stories, the characters have internal problems that they can't show to other people. In Kate's story, the girl can't overlook what the snobbish cool girls were treating the other girl so then she expose herself from the cool glamour she had to her real self. I guess the cool element is to be your true self rather than a mask and helping others can become cool. Also, having a conflict can make a person cooler because it shows they are mature and they can pass this conflict. Plus revealing more of themselves rather than having a fake self that was produce for other people's sake.

Stories like Carrie and Maggie are both characters that are nonchalant as we had talked in class and goes by their own way with not much caring about what others think. However, some characters would still dress in the "in" fashion style to show that they have taste. I think the characters who are cool in Maggie's story know who is trying to be friends with the popular girl and who is trying to be friends with the real girl.

As for Bao Lin's story, I find it a bit rare because her character is the "cool" character but he gets defeated from reading the "class clown Eddie"'s blog and his insights. So I thought that was very interesting. Even though you are cool, and say someone is a loser but then finds out that anonymous person they were reading their blog about is the loser, makes the story interesting. And it seems to show how the world goes in circles where there are parts of people that are cool and parts not but it is connected similar to Bao Lin's story.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

HW #24 Short Story 1

It's not just her words that get people going but as well as the feelings in her actions has a sense of superiority that people would listen to if she is serious. Her bright personality lets everybody in the conversation and she has a sense of justice, helping out what she thinks is right. One afternoon, being the president of the archery club, she was practicing, getting ready for a tournament as well as helping and teaching the other juniors of the club. Then a junior noticed something and pointed to the direction, telling the president to look. She turned and saw around the corner, two big bullies were there, and behind them was a small kid, looking very scared. Getting irritated that the bullies are doing their bullying around the archery club, she grabs her bow and an arrow. She position herself, facing towards the bullies who were hovering the small kid, and then shoots. The arrow was shoot between the two bullies and landed on a nearby bush. The bullies were startled and turned to see her. They left the small kid alone and walked towards her as she walked toward them.
"Yo, what's your problem little girl?" one of the bullies ask. I'm going to named him #1.
"Yea, what's your problem?" the second one asked.
She thought that the two of them were idiots beyond idiots, just copying each others words. She had a problem dealing with people like them and besides them being bullies, they had terrible stance, making her want to change how they are talking with her. She stand on her ground gracefully, looked at the two idiots and said, "I think that's my question."
The bullies got mad and then #1 bully smirked. He looked at the #2 and then #2 smiled. She raised her eyebrow, wondering what they are doing when the two of them raised their hands and swung to her direction. Surprised but with her speed, she dodged the two hands and then she swiped the two bullies feet. They lost balance and bumped on each others heads before falling on the ground. She straightened up herself and her hakama (archery uniform) and pointed her bow in front of their two faces. She gave them as much of a menacing look as possible and then warned them, "This is the archery club, not your playground. How dare you do your activities here!". The terrifying tone of her voice actually scared the two bullies and they started shaking. The juniors in the club started whispering, saying how great the president is doing and was in awe with her. The juniors said "boo" and "go away" to the bullies and the two bullies looked at each other.
"Didn't your mother teach you to look at people when they talk?" she asked them, hoping whatever she is doing now is scaring them. The bullies turned to look at her, and she lower down a bit of her face to them, "If you two, or any of your buddies do any bullying around here or where I can see them, don't expect me to use just one arrow, got it?" She stand up tall and stared down at them, where the two bullies were whimpering like puppies and face red with embarrassment. They stand up quickly and awkwardly. They turned to her as they run out, "We'll get you next time, you hear", the both of them said. She ignored them and turned to the small kid, still shaking but seemed to have gotten less frightened.
"Are you alright?" she asked and extended a hand out to him. The juniors were gathering around the two of them and one of them were carrying a first aid kit. The kid stand up, looking back and forth and she thought he must be shy or something so she took the first aid kit, saying thank you to that junior and asked the juniors to get back to practice. She knelt down and saw the bad cut on his knee and opened the kit, taking out supplies and started applying treatment. The kid winced and backed away. "Ah sorry, you know, I am scared of pain too," she said gently to the kid. He must be a freshmen, or younger. The kid sat down and hold out the cut to her, holding out his tears. She looked at him, smiled and started applying treatment again, "Aren't you a brave one now? But anyways,"-taking out a bandage- "You should have yell for help for something like that. And the whole club were here, not far from you. It's a good thing a junior saw you."
"Yes, I'm sorry," the kid whimpered. "I was touring around the school and got lost. And that was when I saw them smoking." She stopped what she was doing and then looked up at him, "They were smoking? Shoot, I should have taken them to a teacher." But seeing his expression, she waved her hands, "It's not your fault, and it's done." She clapped her hands and asked, "What's your name?"
The kid laughed, "I'm Will." The both of them shook hands and she said, "Well Will, if you can be that brave with that cut on your knee, you can be brave standing up to the bullies." She looked at him and Will noticed the expression on her face, shown with respect and encouragement. He thought for a minute that he could... he could stand up for himself but then something clicked. He shook his head, "No, it's different. A cut is different from getting bullied." She thought for a minute, "Yes, you're probably right. But..." She stared into his eyes, "the process of facing a cut is the same with facing bullying." She said it with confidence and such reassurance that Will didn't really get it, "How?"
"By getting stronger, that's how. However, it's not only physically getting stronger but getting your own soul and will to become stronger adds the completion," she said and puts her hands on her hips. "There are always steps to be taken before anybody can do anything. Nobody becomes that great of anything without studying hard. Sure there are talents that people are born with but that person has to accept the will of the talent, and use it, practice with it to fulfill what they want." She said and looked at the kid who was now thinking of what she said.
After a few seconds silence, the expression on the kid changed, "But, I don't have any talent... nor do I know what to do to make myself stronger."
"Then go find some like how I did with finding archery." She hold up her bow and continued, "A bow always has to partner with an arrow or arrows just like our soul have to partner up with our will. I picked archery to make myself become stronger -" Then she looked at the targets and pointed at them, "Once you hit the target, you win something and I think it is that your soul and will are starting to connect. Every time I hit the target, I feel stronger and my mind feels light and happy." She grinned at him but Will still wasn't sure.
She put her hand on his shoulder, "You don't have to choose now. Go with the way you want right now and when you find something, that should be your starting moment. Plus," she thought about what she had said, "You don't have to be big and strong like those idiots back there. It's not worth it," she whispered.
"Then how would I be able to escape them," Will asked. He thought she was a good person but a weird one. She had saved him but the good advices she just told him still wasn't helping him. He wants to become stronger but was always afraid of being hurt back.
She noticed what he was thinking. "Being hurt back is not a bad thing. It's actually a good thing. If no one gets hurt, they cannot proceed. If no one gets an obstacle, they will not learn their mistakes and fix it." She saw him still being in his own mind and said in a serious tone, "Will, listen."
Will came back to attention and saw that she was quite angry. Uh oh, he thought and remembered what she said to the bullies about looking at the person talking. "No, I get what you mean, thanks for you advices. I think I will go search for something I like," he said, thinking he should say something and then leave.
She felt that he was not saying something and then thought of an idea. "Well Will," she took his wrist and stalked walking back to the stage where the juniors are practicing, "Maybe you should try archery before you leave and see if maybe you want find archery interesting." She smiled back at him and Will thought, how did she know what I was thinking?
She handed him a bow and a few arrows. She positioned herself with her bow and stretched it with an arrow. She took a breath, finding her direction of the target and still herself. Her eyes focus on the target on the field, and Will started feeling the calmness and seriousness she is giving out as she takes her shoot. A lot of the juniors were staring at their president and Will can see why her whole being was holding such attraction and attention. The way she spoke about her love for archery and her saving him, he can guess why people like her. Then she took a shot and the arrow landed in the middle of the target. The juniors burst out saying "horray" and "great shot". Even Will was clapping his hands and saying "great shot".
She turned to him, smiling radiantly, "You see, archery is fun."

*note* I didn't gave the character any name
because I don't think it matter much.
I only respect her, think she is cool because of her personality,
not her name.
Thank you for reading this story =.=~~

Monday, November 16, 2009

HW #23 1s Constructivist Exploration of Cool

I think the definition of cool is when that person stands out in the crowd, is "popular" but as in the others who admire, respect, their style (maybe), their appearances and importantly, the personality of that person. I think personality is the crucial point because it makes them who and how they are. They can fake their true self but I think at the end, they are only getting followers, and not their real friends. If they are strong and nice, sort of having a sense of justice or is funny, where people likes them, then in a way, they are cool. However I think cool is more of admiration and respect because the people are trying to find themselves to be what the person they think is cool. In class on Friday, somebody (sorry, forgot who) said "Cool is a mask to say that people/person is cooler than me". A lot of us want to be cool but I think to become cool, we need someone to look up to.

Everybody's definition of "cool" and "uncool" can be same and different depending on what kind of clique/group that they are in. For example, like in movies, jocks and cheerleaders think that nerds and people who dress not in their style is not cool and vice versa (like goth people). However, such people like some nerds and geeks want to be cool, so they can be mad about what the cheerleaders and jocks are saying, they still want to become cool like them. Though I think that's normal, wishing to be "cool" or to be in the "in group", I thought it is important to be who you are. People's opinions can hurt but if you don't give up who you really want to be, you are just a human that's being led by other humans, a soulless human. I think "cool" is something that can hurt yourself, lose something important but receive something that you had wish for. For example, losing your old friends for new friends that are just using you (like in the movies with being cool but losing the "uncool" friends). One of my questions are, would you regret losing something, maybe important to become cool?

I think "cool" is also a form of leadership because to have followers, the person that is "cool" has the control of things and leads people into his/her own events/choices/etc... Additionally, that person has to be good with at least one thing as well as a charming personality that gets people to go near them, to become that person's friends. However, I think there is a difference between followers and actual friends. Followers only see the sides that they want to see in the cool person but actual friends can see more sides, maybe accepting more of you since sometimes followers would get negative once the cool person had lose the "cool". I wonder how the "cool" person would feel

Besides, general popularity, there can be friend popularity. I can think of this person as a cool person but that doesn't mean another person would see them as cool. I think there are so many cool types that we can categorize them, but the categories are all connected with the feelings of almost the same. However, we do say that we conform because of that, so are we conforming to become cool or are we becoming cool/want to become cool differently? Why do we say different things? Are we scare to be the same as others or are we scare to be called the same as the others?

When talking with Mr. Choi, he said that "cool" people are the puppets and the followers or the audiences that look at them are the puppeteers because the "cool" people are impressing to the audiences. So it is the audiences that are making the "cool" people to become how the audiences want. Connecting to what Andy said, everybody is in a taste community; that we are trying to conform to be what others want. Unless it is people who really don't want to be cool, but they are being cool involuntarily such as the brands trying to get people to buy the same clothes as the other people. We dress the same way with the others, trying to become the same. Therefore, "cool" is trying to conform people to be the same and if you are the "cool" person, you are also following a person who is cooler than you. We wish to be like someone, but it depends whether we really want to change ourselves 100%.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

HW #21 Art Project 1

I think my drawing is a mirror because the characters that I drew is where I see people that position themselves in front (or asleep) of the digital. When I thought how digital affects everybody, I thought of people being cooped up in their room, playing games, going online (though they can do that outside as well) and music. Then somehow, it feels as if digital has surrounded ourselves with a bubble or a dark space, where inside its light, but towards others its black. Therefore, some times, people would not disrupt others when they are with a digital device. Also as well as, when I was drawing this, I imagine how a lot of us are replacing old things to new stuff (from my final paper), like listening to music before bed instead of reading a book, or using a textbook to use it as a desk, so not to heat up our legs.

I think it feels black but that I feel light when drawing this image. We use digital to broaden our minds and thoughts but it also negates other aspects like our physical body health or slowly losing our language skills. We just tap, click, listen to what we find interesting from the games/internet/and television, but it's all in there. We don't seem to want to go out there to explore it ourselves (though the money part is one of the big problems), and find the answer through what others have done in that exploration. A lot of the time, I would imagine what would happen if I did this and then I did that but chances don't easily or I don't grab it easily because there is always this black ring/wall that stops me. I wonder what the reason is... It's cool to see how people have done it, but can we really do it? A lot of us, including myself have wasted our time on the digital, but we cannot get 100% out of it since experiences are always different with everybody.

The most interesting aspects are at first, I didn't really know what I think about digital, and show that through art. Another aspect is that I still have no clue why I drew the black circle around the three characters. Before drawing on the black circle, that part was blank but then my feelings told me that blank is no good. Its hard to explain but... I thought the black circle was there to symbolize the black hole, the information we truly don't have, or our experiences. Or that the black circle is the wall or cage, that only lets us have just that amount of information in the inside, where the three characters are with the whiteness around them. If we get pass that black circle, maybe we discover more than from the digital devices.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

HW #22 Final Draft

Digitalization is always advancing but the population is starting to get lethargic by using the digital devices. Where as in the past, most people would have to work and spend their time walking all over the land to get the information that is available today. There are automobiles and the internet that people can access to, which can help them find the location that they want or need, making it easier. As the digitalization progresses faster, people have started to forget the old ways where we spend time and strength to make what’s going to happen. We are brainwashed by digital representational devices to replace slower past models for quicker and more efficient versions.

Laziness and Disembodiment:

Digital representational devices have replaced the old ways of doing a lot of the activities and leading people to use less and becoming lazy. Using instant messengers such as Aim, Skype, and MSN to communicate are wonderful programs that allow people to speak to each other without being with together with each other. However, that prevents the words that people wish to speak to be spoke as truthfully and with feelings as possible. The messenger programs are similar to walls, or "mediums" (Yu Xi) that allow people to not face the problems or what their instant reactions would be if they are talking with that person face to face. For example, through using a messenger, I can not be absolute sure if there was anything wrong with the person that I am chatting with. And even if they do have something wrong, that person can tell me that there is nothing Comparing to that, if I am with that person and talking to s/he, I can detect if there might be something wrong from her/his mood and facial expressions.

The digital lets ourselves to do what we want; but this lets us to suppress our feelings if we want to or that we say what we are thinking but the person on the other side can end up interpreting differently. Using those digital may avoid us trouble but it can end up with additional trouble if we say words differently than what we are blocking. A lot of the teens say different statements unlike what they are actually thinking because maybe they do not want to face the truth. I think it is better to pass through these mediums that we have and show more honesty out into the world, rather than hiding. We use the digital to hurry the conversation but it is a better choice to talk with that person in reality and facing those problems because there are more interactions and communications with gestures, expressions and the feelings from our voices.

Digital is also distracting us from improving our social skills. People have their laptops or computer and they don’t even have to step out of their home and are already connecting to the site. However, internet is making us lazy, and it is distracting us from our reality. The sites “keep people from doing what they’re supposed to do and have ultimately replaced face-to-face socializing’. Not having face-to-face interaction is a huge loss for our social skills” (Technology is making us lazy). In the past, without having many of the digital already produced out, people would be talking to people directly rather than using a medium. Technology is replacing socializing into isolation with the virtual world as well as showing how people do not like to do extra work.

Digital representational devices are isolating people physically in their room, creating a sense of idleness around them and making our bodies weaker. In the videos that Andy Synder’s classes have created where a camera is set in front of the student to record how they are expressing as they are sitting in front of their camera. One point that I notice in a lot of their videos are the inactive actions and their faces shown as bored expressions. This shows how a lot of the teens, in this example, that even though we may be enjoying it in the inside, it may not show it on the outside. To use a computer, one must sit on a chair and looked at the screen constantly to get the information that one needs. When using a computer, people can detach themselves from the physical world, making their outward appearance to be different from what they are really doing. The programs and functions in the computer have filled the enjoyment into their mind, but due to the period of isolating disembodying from their bodies; their bodies have led to inactivity, making them weaker. In the past, even when computers and other technologies have started producing, a lot of the peoples’ works are still needed to be done with their strength and hands. However, now that the technology equipments have progress, many people’s physical activities have decreased. This suggested that, digital life can give us entertainment in our mind but it slowly destroys our bodies.

Television is much more fun to watch than reading a book. Our minds are very bored right now and it is just the right time to watch television. We use the remote controller, then sit down on the couch, turn on the television and change to a channel where we can watch a show that is interesting. We sit there for the whole show, thinking that it is funny but I don’t think a lot of us do actually get up from their seat to do something else. To stretch themselves before they numb their body parts. In a lot of the shows, people would sit in front of their televisions all day and do nothing but stared at the screen. We could have done something else but they don’t which I think the reason is being that our laziness has build and chose not to do it. We do not wish to do extra work. Sometimes we want to be distracted from the reality and are comfortable in front of the television. However, television makes us dumber because not a lot of us think about the meaning behind the shows (if the director did intend on putting any). “Television is the biggest brainwash, I will say” Bao Lin said, when I asked her about why people sit in front of the television and not do any other things. We watch television because we are mesmerized with what’s on the screen, causing us to not move our bodies. Similar to sitting in front of a computer, we start losing our physical build because not a lot of us exercise when watching television. Our minds have been led to “sit and relax” than “work hard”.

Digital On, and the old ways goes Poof:

Digital representational devices have lessened each generation writing skills and language skills. I think it is also the big corporations and media’s fault because they have created these digital and brainwashing us with lovely ads to show how useful it is when it is only causing our most basic skills to decline. In school, we need to write essays with effort that the grammar and spellings are correct. Even though we are still using our pencils and pens, we are starting to change into using keyboard and mouse to do our writing. We are using keyboards to type because we think it is faster and programs such as Microsoft Word help us lessen our work by providing us the dictionary and spell checking. Technology has already become a part of our body parts.

This connects to Feed, where it is an allegory about modern teenagers whose minds have been taken over by the media and the digital. The Feed, a transmitter that has been placed in their brain was a very good entertainment device for them; they can chat with others on the Feed and no more need to use your fingers to type, you can just order your supplies and needs from your Feed. The teenagers basically have the Feed to do everything for them (with money and power). If they need to write, the Feed would get write for them. However, as I read on, the teenagers are not doing the tasks, like writing, themselves, but the Feed are. They are turning dumb because the Feed that is doing all the work for them. They are being consumed by the Feed and it seems they are more of the guinea pigs for a huge experiment (for the big corporations and the media) than they controlling Feed. The teenagers in the book does not need to fix everything on the paper they would write unlike the past where the people have to memorize more of the grammar and vocabularies. This suggests how our traditional ways of writing have declined to be replaced by digital devices.

Then texting came out, and others such as blogs, we can shorten the words of how we write them. For example, "what" can be turned into "wat" and "lol", and "rofl". This connects to how Feed is because the teenagers there would say "shit", "brag", "mal", and other slang words rather than the actual words. We are being lazy for not writing the actual word and that we want to get through the conversation faster since we have to wait for their responses then write our responses. Unlike texting, when talking with each other face to face, words just poured out faster. Texting are changing what the school is trying to teach us, which is to write sophisticatedly and professionally. Our manners in talking has lessened as well because of the way we learn from each other (depends who we are learning it from); and when popular sayings come, we begin to say it, which replaces what is actually the appropriate way to say it. This causes our behavior and standing in the society to change because the adults are losing trust on the younger. Now, to prove ourselves, we need to work harder or the future for the younger generations wouldn't be great.

Brainwashed by Digital Efficiency:

Like in Wall-E, we are being controlled and brainwashed by the digital representational digital. In Wall-E, Earth has become a trash land and machines were built to fix the mess, which was the Wall-Es. But all the humans have boarded on a spaceship where even though a human pilot is piloting it, actually, it is a robot that is doing all the work. The humans on the ship were drawn as fat people who are always sitting on the chair. Even though there is a pool and a gym, no one noticed it because the technology has everything in front of them thus they do not need to move around. This connects to how we are, in reality because we have all the information that we needed from the computer and we sit there, let them find it and we have it. We are walking less because there are automobiles to bring us there and if robots were built and everybody has them, I think it will be like Wall-E. In the past, we walk almost everyday to get information and we are living shorter now because we are not exercising as much as we would in the past. We have to work to get everything and build it by our hands. Now that we have technology to do it for us, we just need to sit back. I think the trash land in Wall-E are connected to real life because we are becoming trash as well since we are not using the resources, or having any big solutions to fix it.

Internet is faster than reading through a book. People want to get the information fast and through internet, resource is convenient. However, reading in a library, one can’t use a find button and search for what they want or Google. Websites such as Google and yahoo has enormous amount of information that other people in the world has contributed it. A lot of us, especially the teenagers go to Google to find the information because it saves time. Internet is efficient to surf on the web to get all the information and it is faster and less expensive than travelling there to find it ourselves. Therefore, people want their lives to be easier and resourceful by using the digital available to them. However, what happens when a digital breaks down. For example in Feed, a bunch of teenagers were hacked and got their Feed taken off: “We were frightened and kept touching our heads. Suddenly, our heads felt really empty” (46). Their heads felt empty because the Feed is their brain, and it is not their own brain. Once a digital break, we freezes and then feels restless because we don’t have it with us. We won’t be able to go online and this imply how without digital entertainment, we cannot figure out what to do. Technologies break easily suggesting that efficiency is not always the best.

In Feed, the Feed is the one brainwashing us because whenever they want or think about something, the Feed ads pops up, and tells them which one is a good product. But think about it, we build the Feed but now it is the Feed that is controlling us. The technology is telling us which are better rather than having us see the actual merchandise. We order it online, expecting that it will be great but once we get it and used it, we start getting bored. Like shopping for food, I would see my mom look over the vegetables and fruits for a long time before deciding. She will walk here and there, wondering what would be good. But in Feed, we are not physically there to look at the product, and with the comparing price and functions button, we can see which is better than which. Similar to Titus in the end, “I ordered pair after pair [of pants]. I was ordering them as quick as I could” (293). This quote shows when our minds are in a not calm state, we tend to do, for example like Titus and other times, just ordering it to waste their money but that helps profit the big corporations. Sometimes, people cannot decide whether they should order it because technology and behind its back is media; is manipulating our mind to buy it. For rich people like Titus, they don't really care about what they are buying but only think about whether it is cool or not. Digital helps us to become efficient in buying or trading objects with each other but it is controlling our point of view. This shows how digital persuades us with proficiency as well as in dominating what we can do.


People keep abandoning the old ways and doings and goes forth to replace with the newer and cooler things that we are blinded of how influenced we are from the digital. One day we will be like Wall-E for the Earth would be pile up with many rusted objects and guilt of throwing the old things away. Plus we would not realize it until many generations later and be super fat like the people in Wall-E.

People are always played by the digital representational devices because we want to be in the new and popular group. For example, in Feed, lesions have become popular and many people have started to cut up their bodies using lesion machines. On a party, Queny came in with “her whole skin was cut up with up these artificial lesions, we were all just looking at her” (Feed 191) and “It was probably pretty pricey” (Feed 193). Similar in reality, people are going to cosmetic surgeries and such, misshaping their bodies to something that are not theirs. A phrase that we have heard a lot of times which is by having a healthy body, it means to lead a longer life. They wish to be pretty and to be in the popular crowd but to create “artificial” body parts shows how they are not treasuring their bodies as well as their money. We are working hard to raise money but now that demolishing our body to something else technology is available, many of us have lost value in our bodies.

Remember being young and running to the park and play? Well, in this age of time, people, especially little kids rather stay indoors than outdoors because kids want to play with video games and be on the computer. The people who built the parks build parks because they think children would go to play them but “today, empty parks symbolize how ‘play time’ has changed because of advances in affordable technology like home computers” (Is Technology Making Us Unhealthy?). This demonstrates how “parks” which was use to have been the kids favorite play time location has now change to staying home and playing video games. Kids have lessened their time in their outdoor activities and increased their indoor activities. I think that they find games more interesting but as well as they do not need to walk to the park and can stay home to do the entertainment. Therefore, kids are slowly overlooking what people use to spend their time with and are being influenced by the digital to become less productive.


In the “Everything bad is good for you” excerpt, Steven Johnson said that watching television raises your emotional IQ, which helps you in reality to interpret others expressions and emotions. However, television still brainwashes us with advertisements and the shows that they have created doesn’t mean that it is real. It can be a lie, like a lot of the advertisements are if we think deeper into it. We can be watching the show to learn about expressions from the people but the people in the shows are actors for most of the genre in the entertainment world. This demonstrates how a lot of the shows that we believed in a lie created base on people who act, being directed by people who imagined.

We find more numerous sources from the internet and meet people from the different world. Internet is marvelous because we don't have to run around to find what we need. With a click and a press of a button, the page of answers we need pops up. However, many of the sources (and a lot of the primary ones) that are posted online are from books and our history. Even though I’ve been stating ideas of how technologies are replacing the physical objects and our minds, technology is starting to replace how we read our history. People use to read history from textbooks and the actual books. In “History is Elementary”, the history teacher stated that, “Thousands of people through out history have gone to great lengths to record history through newspapers, diaries, journals, saved letters, family Bibles, and oral traditions”. The “people”, the historians “have gone to great lengths to record history” but it seems that in this time, we are all concentrated in the world of digital and not the world of books or history. Even though we still read textbooks from school, the time to read the history are mostly from the internet where the text are posted and reading from books have been declining. People used the internet, as I stated before that it is efficient. However, I want to argue that we should always value what the people in the past have given to us; the books, the history, the time they’ve wasted to put these history for the future generations to read.


Everybody wish their lives would be easier hence people tried to advance every type of technology and digital devices as fast as possible. We still learn our history but because we don’t want to waste out time, we use what’s new and cool. We remember only some details of what’s in the past because digital has replaced it with their nice images and attraction for us to follow them. Additionally we are not living our life in the moment because we are concentrated in using the digital device, rather than yourself that catches the moment. We focus on how the device should be capture but if the device is gone, we would be using our pair of eyes to capture the moment and also be in the moment (Technology is Great, but Are We Forgetting to Live?).

Long time ago, we would have been working using our physical strength but now that technology is here, they are the ones working for us. For example, in Feed, “Look at everything I got from the Feed. It’s going crazy with everything we looked at today. It’s trying to work for me” (106). Everybody is looking at everything the same because we have technology to do the work for us. It is dominating our way of thinking because of the media influences and how the word “efficiency” that always pops that, leading us to be hypnotized. Many of teens and kids do not think about it because if it is fun, it is on their good side, showing how we are easily manipulated. If people look at things differently and with more perspective, then the historical values would be saved and we would be able to think who is actually controlling who. Therefore, I think it is best to notice what we are forgetting about. What the people in the past have created for us, we should still remember about rather than throwing them away because we want “efficient” to be in our lives. Happy doesn’t always mean easy.


We are being "ignorant" (Andy S.) and we are just looking at the things on the surface and what's in front of us. We looked forward to the future but we have forgotten what’s in the past. We use what’s efficient to replace what's old, and we replace what’s new with what’s boring. These digital representative devices that we use let us forget a lot of our past, pushes us to use our lives to go faster, convenient and efficient.

Word Cited:

Anderson, M.T. Feed. 1st. Somerville, Massachusetts,United States of America: Candlewick Press, 2002.

Bradley, Erica. "Technology is making us lazy."Helium n. pag. Web. 4 Nov 2009. .

"Is History Important?." History is Elementary. 12 January 2006. Web. 4 Nov 2009. .

"Is Technology Making Us Unhealthy?." British Council. Web. 4 Nov 2009. .

Johnson, Steven. Everything Bad is Good for You: How Today's Popular Culture is Actually Making Us Smarter. New York: Riverhead Books, 2005. p. 17-124

Liu, Yu Xi. "Hw 18- Big Paper Rough Draft."Personal/Political. Blogger, 03 November 2009. Web. 4 Nov 2009. .

Perez, Sarah. " Technology is Great, but Are We Forgetting to Live?." ReadWriteWeb. 22 January 2009. Web. 4 Nov 2009. .

Snyder, Andy. "Personal/Political." Social Studies Class. School of the Future. Room 605,

Zheng, Bao Lin. Intervew by Jia Min Huang. 03 November 2009.