Monday, November 23, 2009

HW #26 Photos and Questions

Had a fun time reading the answers xD.
Questions for the Interviewees:
1) What personality do you think a cool person should have?
2) Can you see when a person is faking to be cool? How?
3) From the story you have written, what best describes your character that portrays your definition "cool" besides what you mention on #1?
4) Would you rather be a cool person (from another person's point of view) from who you are, your true self or being a cool person for other people's views/benefits?
5) Can I have a picture of yourself? "Sure... whatever you think you are cool in this picture or one that you like", I replied when they ask what kind.
*note: rather than asking them for a full body shoot, I thought it would be cooler and better if they give me an image of how they want to pose themselves in their interviews. Sorry...*

1) "O I don't know, nice"

2) "I think its kinda easy at least for me, I can read people, lets say for example ___... , you can tell she just wants attention from the way she acts".

3) "well liked, she doesn't have to just be loud and have respect but she can be quiet like in yu xi's story". "Down to Earth".

4) "I would want to be who I am, I don't really care if people think I'm cool. Well I guess I can't say that cause I care what people think but I wouldn't let it dictate how I live my life. I would live it my own way whether it made me cool or not".

Bao Lin:
1) "wise, generous, indifference"

2) "I think it is occasionally, sometimes when a person is trying very hard to be cool such as dressing in certain way and speak in certain ways that they did not usually do, you know it right away because it is obvious enough. In other words, not commited to who you really are, not the original, i think that is consider faking. But I do think there are actually cool people out there
and they are not faking, but people who are jealous of them might have the chance to think they are faking when they are just cool for real."

3) "I think appreciating is something that I did not mention before, and it is one of the thing that I keep talking about in my story. Such as Pakho who thinks he has already been appreciating his surroundings by taking a lot of pictures, I think it is one of the very important elements to be cool in terms of my definition. But later on in my story, when Pakho found out that there are actually people who knows how to appreciate life and nature more than he does, he is not as cool as the others. I think this is something that best describes my character protraying my definition of being cool, which is know how to appreciate and not looking down on the others."

4) "I think I will rather be a cool person from my very true self, because I think that is what it all matters. Fulfilling somebody else eyes are just not my style of living and I think choosing for myself is what it matters the most. Its like when things are your very own, like things that you learned then you owned them, nobody can really steal it from you. But if you are living basing off from the others, they can say you are cool at this moment, and say you are lame the next. I don't think it is worth it, and as long as I am pursuing what cool is to my own definition, I am satisfy within. But I guess being a cool person for other people's benefit might sound interesting, because you are like a role model of something and direct people to live in certain ways that you think it is right. I guess I am not that type of people who is going to that extreme about right and wrong, so I think being the true self and being cool within my own meaning is pretty acceptable to my own standards of living."

1) "I like someone with a charismatic personality, someone who is friendly and likable at the same time."

2) "Not all the time. Actually now that i think about it, i don't think i really know. But i know that inside each of us, we all try to be cool to some extent. Apparently we're rlly good at hiding it these days but i think that when i do see it, it generally people who try to act loud and call for attention and does it unsuccessfully."

3) "Ooh. I think the nonchalant-ness that a lot of people talk about because all of us make the biggest time all of everything, it's like a breath of fresh air when we meet somebody who isn't as enthused about everything. It sort of contradicts the charismatic point, but somehow some people manage to have both qualities and make it work perfectly."

4) "Why can't you be both? lol. Like the saying goes, "you can't have others love you until u learn to love yourself". So it's important that you stay your true self and love yourself despite the things you might not think others will like and in turn, they will learn to like you. I mean you can't have everyone like you but the point is to see yourself as cool no matter what others might think of you. So i guess if i had to choose from your question, i would pick the first opt."

1) "uhm well nice and not judgmental, not a person who judges others and stands up for their friends even if they aren't popular."

2) " mee. sometimes. When that person tries to hard to be cool and fit in with others. Like does whatever everyone else does even if that person doesn't agree."

4) "I would be my true self. I'm more comfortable that way, and if that person didn't like me for who i am then we weren't meant to be friends in the beginning. Its better for people to like who you truly are, then for people to hang out with someone your trying be. You make better friends for being who you are. Not everyone will like you for being your true self but its better than having everyone like you for who you aren't. Its better to do your own thing and if people dont like it, they can deal with it. Your not going to change for their benefit, for their preference. Only yours. Unless your a total snob. Then you might want to rethink it. Changing is basically asking yourself if who you are now is the type of person you want to be or if you can look in the mirror and say im happy to be who i am". Then she clarifies a bit, "Changing is becoming someone who you can be proud of or your younger siblings could be proud of. For making the right decisions or standing for what you believe in."

6) (since she isn't in the same school, and she is sophmore. Additionally, I'm chatting with her through AIM, so I am just pasting what she said truthfully)
Question: if you would have written a story about a character that defines what you think is cool, what would the story be about? (It's very different from a lot of people's writing but I like it)

Answer: " hum. I dunno. When I think about it, cool is different from what at first comes to mind. When I think of the word "cool" its about a young boy slaying monsters and saving princesses. But here's my story. There would be a young girl, who has to save the prince from danger, :D . But everyone doesn't believe in her and gives her reasons why she can't save the prince. Like, you're a girl, you can't or you're very fragile or something. And its true she is fragile and boys usually save the day since they're usually the heroes in stories. Anyway, she didn't really care what others said because she just wanted to save the prince. So, with her trusty wooden stick in her hand, since most people aren't trained in kendo, the young girl takes off towards the woods to find the prince. There she meets tons of animals saying she can't save the prince and since no one believes in her, she begins to believe she really can't.

Except she later sees a bunny running away from a wolf while she's hiding in a tree. The bunny, definitely, can't out run the wolf or fight it off. But it tries hard not to be eaten and just when you think the rabbit is done for--it basically outsmarts the wolf by jumping into random bushes and disguising its scent, letting the it run away while the wolf is confused. Then the young girl jumps out of the tree and is inspired to rescue the prince again. When she hears the prince's voice deep within a cave, she runs towards it only to see a huge dragon standing guard. Obviously, she can't kill the dragon or outrun it.

So, the young girl outsmarts the dragon by trapping it within a bunch of vines. She rescues the prince and instead of leaving the dragon strangled in vines, the young girl asks the him, why he captured the prince. The dragon tells the her that he kidnapped the prince because other dragons were capturing princes & princesses too, and he wanted to be like other dragons. So the she tells the dragon, he doesn't have to be like other dragons and to be for who he is. If they don't like his nature, they can tough it. So the dragon, the girl and the prince all becomes friends. Regardless of what people say about them =D.

The End.

(I hope the readers find this story cute and interesting because I like it a lot. ^-^)

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