Tuesday, November 17, 2009

HW #24 Short Story 1

It's not just her words that get people going but as well as the feelings in her actions has a sense of superiority that people would listen to if she is serious. Her bright personality lets everybody in the conversation and she has a sense of justice, helping out what she thinks is right. One afternoon, being the president of the archery club, she was practicing, getting ready for a tournament as well as helping and teaching the other juniors of the club. Then a junior noticed something and pointed to the direction, telling the president to look. She turned and saw around the corner, two big bullies were there, and behind them was a small kid, looking very scared. Getting irritated that the bullies are doing their bullying around the archery club, she grabs her bow and an arrow. She position herself, facing towards the bullies who were hovering the small kid, and then shoots. The arrow was shoot between the two bullies and landed on a nearby bush. The bullies were startled and turned to see her. They left the small kid alone and walked towards her as she walked toward them.
"Yo, what's your problem little girl?" one of the bullies ask. I'm going to named him #1.
"Yea, what's your problem?" the second one asked.
She thought that the two of them were idiots beyond idiots, just copying each others words. She had a problem dealing with people like them and besides them being bullies, they had terrible stance, making her want to change how they are talking with her. She stand on her ground gracefully, looked at the two idiots and said, "I think that's my question."
The bullies got mad and then #1 bully smirked. He looked at the #2 and then #2 smiled. She raised her eyebrow, wondering what they are doing when the two of them raised their hands and swung to her direction. Surprised but with her speed, she dodged the two hands and then she swiped the two bullies feet. They lost balance and bumped on each others heads before falling on the ground. She straightened up herself and her hakama (archery uniform) and pointed her bow in front of their two faces. She gave them as much of a menacing look as possible and then warned them, "This is the archery club, not your playground. How dare you do your activities here!". The terrifying tone of her voice actually scared the two bullies and they started shaking. The juniors in the club started whispering, saying how great the president is doing and was in awe with her. The juniors said "boo" and "go away" to the bullies and the two bullies looked at each other.
"Didn't your mother teach you to look at people when they talk?" she asked them, hoping whatever she is doing now is scaring them. The bullies turned to look at her, and she lower down a bit of her face to them, "If you two, or any of your buddies do any bullying around here or where I can see them, don't expect me to use just one arrow, got it?" She stand up tall and stared down at them, where the two bullies were whimpering like puppies and face red with embarrassment. They stand up quickly and awkwardly. They turned to her as they run out, "We'll get you next time, you hear", the both of them said. She ignored them and turned to the small kid, still shaking but seemed to have gotten less frightened.
"Are you alright?" she asked and extended a hand out to him. The juniors were gathering around the two of them and one of them were carrying a first aid kit. The kid stand up, looking back and forth and she thought he must be shy or something so she took the first aid kit, saying thank you to that junior and asked the juniors to get back to practice. She knelt down and saw the bad cut on his knee and opened the kit, taking out supplies and started applying treatment. The kid winced and backed away. "Ah sorry, you know, I am scared of pain too," she said gently to the kid. He must be a freshmen, or younger. The kid sat down and hold out the cut to her, holding out his tears. She looked at him, smiled and started applying treatment again, "Aren't you a brave one now? But anyways,"-taking out a bandage- "You should have yell for help for something like that. And the whole club were here, not far from you. It's a good thing a junior saw you."
"Yes, I'm sorry," the kid whimpered. "I was touring around the school and got lost. And that was when I saw them smoking." She stopped what she was doing and then looked up at him, "They were smoking? Shoot, I should have taken them to a teacher." But seeing his expression, she waved her hands, "It's not your fault, and it's done." She clapped her hands and asked, "What's your name?"
The kid laughed, "I'm Will." The both of them shook hands and she said, "Well Will, if you can be that brave with that cut on your knee, you can be brave standing up to the bullies." She looked at him and Will noticed the expression on her face, shown with respect and encouragement. He thought for a minute that he could... he could stand up for himself but then something clicked. He shook his head, "No, it's different. A cut is different from getting bullied." She thought for a minute, "Yes, you're probably right. But..." She stared into his eyes, "the process of facing a cut is the same with facing bullying." She said it with confidence and such reassurance that Will didn't really get it, "How?"
"By getting stronger, that's how. However, it's not only physically getting stronger but getting your own soul and will to become stronger adds the completion," she said and puts her hands on her hips. "There are always steps to be taken before anybody can do anything. Nobody becomes that great of anything without studying hard. Sure there are talents that people are born with but that person has to accept the will of the talent, and use it, practice with it to fulfill what they want." She said and looked at the kid who was now thinking of what she said.
After a few seconds silence, the expression on the kid changed, "But, I don't have any talent... nor do I know what to do to make myself stronger."
"Then go find some like how I did with finding archery." She hold up her bow and continued, "A bow always has to partner with an arrow or arrows just like our soul have to partner up with our will. I picked archery to make myself become stronger -" Then she looked at the targets and pointed at them, "Once you hit the target, you win something and I think it is that your soul and will are starting to connect. Every time I hit the target, I feel stronger and my mind feels light and happy." She grinned at him but Will still wasn't sure.
She put her hand on his shoulder, "You don't have to choose now. Go with the way you want right now and when you find something, that should be your starting moment. Plus," she thought about what she had said, "You don't have to be big and strong like those idiots back there. It's not worth it," she whispered.
"Then how would I be able to escape them," Will asked. He thought she was a good person but a weird one. She had saved him but the good advices she just told him still wasn't helping him. He wants to become stronger but was always afraid of being hurt back.
She noticed what he was thinking. "Being hurt back is not a bad thing. It's actually a good thing. If no one gets hurt, they cannot proceed. If no one gets an obstacle, they will not learn their mistakes and fix it." She saw him still being in his own mind and said in a serious tone, "Will, listen."
Will came back to attention and saw that she was quite angry. Uh oh, he thought and remembered what she said to the bullies about looking at the person talking. "No, I get what you mean, thanks for you advices. I think I will go search for something I like," he said, thinking he should say something and then leave.
She felt that he was not saying something and then thought of an idea. "Well Will," she took his wrist and stalked walking back to the stage where the juniors are practicing, "Maybe you should try archery before you leave and see if maybe you want find archery interesting." She smiled back at him and Will thought, how did she know what I was thinking?
She handed him a bow and a few arrows. She positioned herself with her bow and stretched it with an arrow. She took a breath, finding her direction of the target and still herself. Her eyes focus on the target on the field, and Will started feeling the calmness and seriousness she is giving out as she takes her shoot. A lot of the juniors were staring at their president and Will can see why her whole being was holding such attraction and attention. The way she spoke about her love for archery and her saving him, he can guess why people like her. Then she took a shot and the arrow landed in the middle of the target. The juniors burst out saying "horray" and "great shot". Even Will was clapping his hands and saying "great shot".
She turned to him, smiling radiantly, "You see, archery is fun."

*note* I didn't gave the character any name
because I don't think it matter much.
I only respect her, think she is cool because of her personality,
not her name.
Thank you for reading this story =.=~~


  1. Jia Min,
    I love your story. The dialogue makes the story easy to be able to connect to, because i can imagine these people talking. I also like how you made your character cool because of the fact that she stood up for another person. She wasn't afraid to stand up for someone who couldn't stand up for himself. Your story did a great job portraying what you thought the definition of cool involved.

  2. Your story is about a cool person standing up to the fake cool person. It seems like the cooler person do positive things and the fake cool person is the bad guy.

  3. Jia Min,

    I really enjoyed reading your story. It was very descriptive and inspiring. Your character is cool in the way that she is fearless and isn't afraid of standing up for others. She's a good role model and is willing to go out of her way to help others. She wise and talented. Her personality and stature naturally demands attention and admiration.

  4. Hi Jia Min,
    When I read the story I can hear your voice in my head reading it lol. I liked how the girl gave advice to the little boy. The way she helped him is cool because she doesn't just save him she tries to get him become stronger too. She helped him is cool and she is admired for those qualities, plus she is very talented in archery.
