Monday, November 23, 2009

HW #25 Story Comments and Analysis

To Yu Xi:
I thought that your story is a supporting "cool" person that helps out another person.Then that character gets a "cool" side too for building up the strength and confidence to show the mural out. And naming your story "possibilities" was a "cool" category because there are a lot of possibilities to be a cool person. However yours weren't the kind of story where the person needs to dress up nice and sort of a nonchalant person.
Nice story, really like the artsy theme you put in. =D

To Kate:
^-^ I like your story a lot. And the ending was funny too, yelling back at that Amber girl.
"Cool" story
-Jia Min

To Carrie:
I thought your story was very "cool" and the girl doodling seems to be one of the nonchalant manner that other "cool" people do.
The last sentence was a good ending. =D
-Jia Min

To Maggie:
I thought your story was very "cool", and your character was in with the fashion style but the personality was different. Not that one that wants attention but got it without doing anything.
Though the last part, passing the kid and giving a card to him was funny. A good ending.
Nice Job!~
-Jia Min

To Sandy:
Like everybody else, I am very curious to know what happen to Lyn during her summer.
I thought your character was a good one because even thought she is a cool and popular, she's the kind and "cool" ones. ^-^ Nice Job!~
-Jia Min

To Bao Lin:
I thought your story was very cool and the characters and their names were very funny. The ending was a great one and it shows how "cool" people can be defeated if their "insight" is not "cool" enough. xD
-Jia Min

Besides Carrie, Maggie and Bao Lin's story, I thought the other stories were about a "cool" person that supports and help another person or defend them. I thought the element of coolness for those stories was the kindness and supportiveness that the "cool" people give to other. And then that person like the character in Yu Xi's story got the confidence and strength to show her art in front of people because of the "cool" character who gave the girl advices and support.

However, like Sandy and Kate's stories, the characters have internal problems that they can't show to other people. In Kate's story, the girl can't overlook what the snobbish cool girls were treating the other girl so then she expose herself from the cool glamour she had to her real self. I guess the cool element is to be your true self rather than a mask and helping others can become cool. Also, having a conflict can make a person cooler because it shows they are mature and they can pass this conflict. Plus revealing more of themselves rather than having a fake self that was produce for other people's sake.

Stories like Carrie and Maggie are both characters that are nonchalant as we had talked in class and goes by their own way with not much caring about what others think. However, some characters would still dress in the "in" fashion style to show that they have taste. I think the characters who are cool in Maggie's story know who is trying to be friends with the popular girl and who is trying to be friends with the real girl.

As for Bao Lin's story, I find it a bit rare because her character is the "cool" character but he gets defeated from reading the "class clown Eddie"'s blog and his insights. So I thought that was very interesting. Even though you are cool, and say someone is a loser but then finds out that anonymous person they were reading their blog about is the loser, makes the story interesting. And it seems to show how the world goes in circles where there are parts of people that are cool and parts not but it is connected similar to Bao Lin's story.

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